Thursday 21 August 2014

What's The Bottom Line with Tattoos?

Tattoo's Are They Saving Our Humanity Or Scarring Our Children?


Sorry for like the serious question, but think about it what are tattoos doing on our bodies? Is it a good thing, is it a bad thing? SO, to make this quite a fair blog I am going to look at the pros and the cons of having tattoo's and what people think of them and then in the overall bit it's what I think tattoos are and how they should be judged.

The Pro's

  1. They Allow Self Expression - So, marking and altering your body can be the ultimate form of self expression, showing your individuality through art/tattoo on your body. Some, uses tattoos to make themselves appear more beautiful because they believe there body is a blank canvas that needs to be explored. 
  2. Tattoos Permanence - They can be a great way to commemorate important events of your life because a tattoo can stay with you forever. Plus, if it's someone close to you or someone use to be close to you you can have there name on you so there always there
  3. Quality of the Tattoo- The tattoos can be so detailed it's like looking at the real thing!
  4. Storytelling - Similar to the first one but the tattoo can tell a story and show someone what kind of person you are and what you are into as well. 
  5. There's SOOO MUCH TO CHOOSE - you can have from cartoons and celebrities to lettering and designs! Literally your body is a blank canvas you can have anything in there! 

The Con's

  1. Keep going back - In years to come, you'll need to refine the tattoo you already done
  2. Regrets - Not going too much into it, but lets say you get your wife/boyfriend/girlfriend or husband named on your body....and they dump you. Now, you have the tattoo of him or her for the rest of your life, 
  3. BAD TATTOO ARTISTS! - They say there good, but make sure its a good clean tattooist with a clean needle, don't want those infections or allergic reactions to the ink or needles! 
  4. They fade sometimes depends on what they use! 
  5. NOT WHAT I WANTED - Depending on the tattooist I suppose, but what you wanted and it turns out wrong, and now it's stuck like that unless you can afford laser surgery for the ink to be removed. So, twice the pain and emptier your bank account....AWESOME!
  6. Wrinkles - I know this for fact, when you get older the tattoos actually looked wrinkled and it just looks bad, the colours fade, it looks dull. I have a family member with tattoos and he does regret them. Because, when your older the tattoo will look different. 
  7. Money - If you want like the ink, the colour that's fine but cost money at the end. I know this guy who had these awesome tattoos he had like a Johnny Depp Sweeney Todd, an alien, a woody, a Yu-Gi-Oh and I know this girl with awesome Pokemon tattoos BUT they cost money and looking at more than 100 or 1000s sometimes. Depending what you want. 


I do see both views of what tattoos are and how for me showing more of you as a person then a character. But, pain tolerance isn't my highest point! I see on Facebook people getting leg tattoos, arm tattoos and even RIB tattoos and it absolutely kills them. But, they love them afterwards. Tattoos not for me personally but I do see the art work from them. But, if I EVER EVER got one which I doubt would get a Disney tattoo the one with the genie and the RIP for Robin Williams. And, he won't be forgotten he is one of the most comical, serious and fun loving actors there was. People around the world are getting tattoos to remember him, we have seen the tributes all over Facebook. But, tattoos is a way to remember someone close to you, from a favourite film, from a favourite book, your favourite flower or even your own designs! You can be creative with your tattoos. So, when people get tattoos they feel better and they feel more as an individual too. But, I did add a few Robin Williams tattoos to give you guys and gals any ideas if you were looking a way to tribute him if your considering a tattoo. But, the tattoos guys you either love them or hate them. I like seeing them never have one. But, when thinking about designing your own I think then you need your spot on tattooist to do it and understand that's what you want. Plus, I have a friend that's a tattooist and when I see what she creates it just blows my mind! The detail and I notice some tattoos appear blurred even with colour so I would really look at the tattooist reputation and if any friends have tried them ask them. But, I would even do a Facebook status asking where's best to get a tattoo from so then you know for sure if it's your first time.

What's The Bottom Line? 

Ya know what, tattoos is a form of art and if people don't see it should start thinking this is the future. Not tattoo they been here for years but how we as humans want our bodies to look. And, that's the bottom line! Plus, I hope you liked the tattoos I found today, just put into google "Awesome tattoos" there's loads of them out there if your looking.

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