Sunday 10 August 2014

What's The Bottom Line What Is Better Books or Films?

What Is Better Books or Films? 

This is probably one of those questions one of your friends say, like "Oh, the book is SOO much better than the film!" and "Oh my WORD! They forgot to add this in a Harry Potter film!". Personally, am going down the route is which is better. I could give you a simple answer.....but I won't I actually want to explore both sides. And, I would like to say for the record there is no right or wrong answer but this is just my opinion nothing more, nothing less.

What Books Have Been Made Into Films?

  1. Matilda
  2. James and the Giant Peach
  3. Harry Potter
  4. Lord of the Rings
  5. The Hunger Games
  6. Twilight
  7. The Help
  8. Divergent
  9. To Kill A Mockingbird
  10. The Great Gatsby
  11. The Book Theift
  12. The Hobbit
  13. The Notebook
  14. The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe 
  15. Lord of the Flies
  16. My Sister's Keeper
  17. Holes
  18. Ella Enchanted
  19. Fight Club
  20. The Da Vinci Code
  21. Stephen King books
  22. Game of Thrones (TV I know!)
Am gonna stop there. I mentioned just over 20 books that have been turned into films. Now, when we consider them I have some great connections with these films. Matilda is one of the best childhood films you will ever experience. Now, let's consider this. Experience, to me I can experience true emotion of what the characters are feeling in a film because we can see it and there's no "other" emotions shall we say. Plus, with more fantasy books like Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings we can see what these creatures look like and what magic looks like. Yes, humans have the ability of imagination but isn't it good to see how we see the book and then see the film? Just consider that. Plus, if there were just books we wouldn't of experienced Jack Nicolson in The Shining, Leonardo DiCaprio in The Great Gatsby, Mara Wilson in Matilda, the list can go on. Films makes us feel something because it becomes more real. Books, makes our imaginations run wild and we get so caught up within the book we lose ourselves in the book. 

Can Books Be The Same As A Film?

There's a film called 'Treasure Planet' and the book actually projected itself into a story. I can see that happening not now but I can see soon. Where, books we have kindles we have lost the touch of paper books but it's so much easier for heavy readers to read more on the kindle then bringing 20 books on holiday!. But, if books are projected are we reading or just looking at what the book wants us to believe? I can see the paperback books still being around because some people don't like technology like kindles and people can't afford them. So, the public library has books we can borrow out and enjoy. So, when we consider is books going to be the same as film.....well, profit wise no. People like films and they get a lot more money then books. However, when we watch a film and see the book I like to read the book because I enjoyed the film. So, it's a bit of a mix and match really. Are we so caught up in moving forward with technology we are losing the paperback system? Nahh, books are great and so are films I think they are equal because the books tap into are creativity more and imagination more than watching what has already been created for us. Below is the image from the film Treasure Planet when the book comes alive, and we know that the books can make true artwork of the characters we imagine but the film also brings them to walking and talking too. Books are now actually 3D and using the more visuals we have pop up and even changing how the story ends. So, we the readers have more input into some of the books and more visuals to actually touch. But, so does films we now have 3D and 4D abilities and we have voice control on some certain DVD games as well we have control. So, in a sense there's a balance when we consider theses situations.

So, What's The Bottom Line?

I will always prefer films to books because of the simple fact that films don't take as long as books. But, I do like books for what they are and I appreciate the fact that they are there. I like Kindle Books because I can read them whenever I like and I don't have to look hard either for them. And, that's the bottom line on the matter.

Tips To You On This Subject?

  1. It's an interesting debate which is better and it all comes down to are you a reader or a watcher or both! 

Final Note

When we people watch films, I like to think we know where it came from. It could came from a writer but most of the time it's from a book or a storyline that got planned out. So, when we consider which is greater? True is, without books we wouldn't experience the maximum potential for films. And, if there were no films the books won't do as well because seeing the film and when we see the book we have some knowledge about the book which makes us more interested in reading it because of a past experience. And, am guessing your wondering why I put Beauty and the Beast animation library near the real one. Films and books are making things seem beyond as real as they should be. For example, the Disney film Up the house has actually been built the exact same as the film. Some of the books, don't even have pictures we use our imaginations to create these wonderful sceneries and characters we see. So, it's not the book or the film that's better it's the person behind the books and the films that make it truly something to watch.

I hope you enjoyed what I said, and I hope to hear some feedback soon too. But,before you go look below I found and this made me think....if there was absolutely no movies or TV shows there would be no adverts so how would we discover new books without the media?

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