Monday 11 August 2014

What's The Bottom Line With The Associate?

The Associate (1996)

Starring Whoopi Goldberg (Sister Act, Jumpin' Jack Flash and The View) Dianne Wiest (Edward Scissorhands, I Am Sam and 10th Kingdom) and Eli Wallach (The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, The Godfather: Part III and The Magnificent Seven)

First Impressions Before Seeing The Film?

At this point, I have seen Whoopi Goldberg in so many things! I love her in Sister Act, Jumpin' Jack Flash and even Telephone. Whoopi Goldberg is one of my most favourite actresses of all time and I have even seen her individual stand up comedy and that was really good. But, The Associate? I have never heard of! Dianne Wiest I remember her very well in Edward Scissorhands and I remember her in the 10th Kingdom. Her acting is quite unique with minor characters. I was curious what this film was about and curious what Whoopi Goldberg brings to the table.

After I Watched The Film?

WELL, Whoopi Goldberg has done it again! This is basically about a film where the business industry they prefer males to females. It's about inequality. SO! What does Whoopi Goldberg do to try and become a business woman? A very successful woman? Well, she does a whole Black to White like Michael Jackson. And, add about 80 years! That's right! Mrs. Doubtfire stuff coming this way but completely different. AND, the weirdest thing is that she played male REALLY well! The storyline was fun to watch unfold and the actual character Whoopi Goldberg was brilliant. She fought for her rights and equality and we also see she's cunning and brilliant. Plus, I love the special effects of the transformation that happened and the businessman really play the role well!. We see it unfold and we also see the struggle that female workers have in a hugely populated male industry. Yes, back then and maybe still now just behind the curtain female workers  are still treated unfairly especially with pay in some countries. Plus, I like how we also see Whoopi's friends in the film and how they support her to get what she wants. So, considering that we also think of how we can benefit from this film. Understanding at some point in history below 100 years clearly! we see this situation that women are treated unfairly and we turn it into this film as a comedy moment. It shows this film that it doesn't matter what your gender is as long as you know your stuff.  

What Made This An Interesting Film?

If am honest, if you like Whoopi Goldberg seeing her perform in a different way is brilliant. AND, I would have to say the transformation is brilliant and how it could get into trouble and how far we can take this disguises. Plus, we also hear the males views of woman and why they don't like them in the business industry and they are telling this to a woman! So, it's interesting to see that side because most people keep there thoughts to themselves. The image above of this text is the transformation that Whoopi Goldberg did to create this famous vintage businessman. The film was beautifully created to make this work and at one point I forgot it was Whoopi when I first saw the businessman. Finally, I like how Whoopi Goldberg plays as a stern, ambitious and passionate businesswoman with the knowledge of the business. Which I THINK is why I like this film. I like seeing people being wrong about others and they prove it with what they think they know best. For example, this film is the example she is really sticking it to the businessman and showing that woman of all races can do what they can do which is one of the main reasons I love this film. Equality.

So, What's The Bottom Line?

Bottom Line? I would have to say if you like Whoopi Goldberg this is absolutely brilliant to watch alone or with a group of friends. There's comedy and drama in this film and it's just spot on.

Tips If Watching The Film?

  1. Remember that this was when woman was treated unfairly in the business industry and in generally really and not only with payments from jobs either. 
  2. Look at how the males act with women in the film and how wrong it is in today's society.

My Rankings

Well, IMDB rated this film a 5.9 and I can see why if you don't like women being portrayed as an unequal individual you just wouldn't want to watch it. However, I am going to say she does get even Whoopi and I given it a 8/9 out of 10 because of how well it was written.

Here is the IMDB page:

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