Friday 15 August 2014

What's The Bottom Line with The Expendables 1 and 2

Expendables 1 (2010) and Expendables 2 (2012)

Starring Sylvester Stallone (Rambo) Jason Statham (The Transporter) Jet Li (Hero) Liam Hemsworth (The Hunger Games) Bruce Willis (Die Hard) Randy Couture (UFC) Chuck Norris (Walker Texas Ranger) and Arnold Schwarzenegger (Terminator)

First Impressions Before Seeing The Film?

Am gonna be honest, the main reason am writing about this now is because I have just watched both films today. Honestly, it didn't appeal to me because I don't like action packed films. However, I decided today to watch the two films because of how huge the Hollywood cast is! We have Sylvester Stallone the main actor, he is amazing in action films. I don't think I have to explain much, when we you see the cast above they are MAJOR action superheroes in the film industry. I was excited about the films for many reasons. The first film had one of my favourite WWE legends Stone Cold Steve Austin. The second one, has Chuck Norris in and I didn't know how much these actors would be in the films. However, I did know Chuck Norris is a trained marital artist so was looking forward to seeing that.

After I Watched The Film?

Considering the cast of both of the films, we have an average film I think. Mainly, because we see both of the films and we don't really know who is the Expendables and we don't really know about the villains as much as we think we should do. The fighting and shotting was awesome, but it wasn't like seeing a Fast and Furious film! If you know what I mean? There was tension but I felt like I needed more action in places and more behind the characters. Plus, I would say we need more from the cast in the first one but was redeemed in the second one. In the second one, we see more of the Expendables team then just the main two. I was disappointed in the second one that Chuck Norris and Arnold Schwarzenegger didn't play a major role in the film I was hoping they fight more together. HOWEVER, I was more surprised of the comedy in the films! There was more one liners in the second film and some of them were related to the Terminator film as well. But, I really enjoyed how actually intelligent and witty the expendables are and they can prove it with there skill. But, when I think of The Expendables I think of grenades in a retirement home because they kick ass and they can be killed and no one will miss them.

Who Else Should Join The Next Films?

I can see some major stars joining the expendables. One, I would like to see Jackie Chan playing a major role in the film because Jet Li keeps mentioning family in the films so maybe that's his dad? Or adopted dad who taught him I DUNNO! Because, I feel we need a lot older generation action heroes. Maybe, Liam Neeson would be a great either addition to the expendables or a villain. Main reason being, is because we have seen him play a great hero why not a villain.  I will say, that the villains don't seem to be intelligent they have the evil accents but not the intelligence. So, that being said maybe the next villain either Ron Perlman (Hellboy), Ian McShane (Pirates of the Caribbean), Jonathan Banks (Breaking Bad) or Christopher Walken (Prophecy). These actors for the next major villain because of the intelligence they don't have to fight just walk the walk and talk the talk. Ron Perlman can do the fighting roles but the others would have a badd ass side kick to do all the fighting. Adding to the Expendables I would say, Denzel Washington (American Gangster), Kiefer Sutherland (24) and Russell Crowe \(Gladiator) I know what you're thinking. BUT, consider the Expendables is for the Expendables these actors I mentioned could really make it great to watch. Especially, the villains I suggested in my personal opinion.

Whilst, researching and saw a picture of Jackie Chan in the Expendables 3, I haven't seen the Expendables 3 and I don't know who is in that film but I stumbled across Jackie Chan in a picture whilst searching for my images. So, am happy that he made it to the third film of the Expendables.

So, What's The Bottom Line?

I would watch this film if you like your action packed films and comedy moments and that is basically the bottom line for this film.

Tips If Watching The Film?

  1. If you know your WWE Legends see if you can spot Stone Cold Steve Austin in the first film. 
  2. Don't try and guess what the villains do because it's very basic background for them. 

My Rankings

Both films have a similar 6 to 7 rating on IMDB. Personally, I agree it needs more activity with the enemies and understanding more of whom the expendables are as well. Which is what I would of expected in the first film. But, I will give it a high 7 rating overall for the films.

Here is the trailer for both films

This is the Expendables trailer

And, here is the trailer for the Expendables 2 

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