Monday 18 August 2014

What's The Bottom Line with Devil's Rejects?

Devil's Rejects (2005)

Starring Sid Haig (Jackie Brown) Bill Moseley (Halloween) and Sheri Moon Zombie (The Lords of Salem)

First Impressions Before Seeing The Film?

You know what, I knew Rob Zombie written and directed this film so I was looking forward to it because I love his films they are truly as a horror fan to watch his movies. I liked the family, I knew it was the same one from the cast and the characters name. I LOVE Sid Haig's character as this messed up clown. BUT, I was thinking how messed up this family is because it truly is a messed up family if you haven't seen this film.

After I Watched The Film?

The family is still as messed up, the insanity and absurdity is still there from the past film. HOWEVER, I did feel kinda sorry for the family at certain points.... Here's why in it's basic forms. The first film we see the victims and in this film we see....hmmm the hunters being the hunted shall we say! Which we know more about the characters and at some points we forget of what they are capable of. Plus, during the film I do discover that they have there ways which for me is interesting. The first film we see lots of ritual things and Halloween themes HOWEVER this film is completely different just same cast. Before, mentioning the fact I didn't like the film which I'll come too. BUT, I understand whilst watching the film and when it finished this family doesn't have a line to cross. They walk and talk how they see fit. No line of right or wrong we don't know why they do what they do. Personally, it's how you brought up it's exactly like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre films of how he got brought up. RIGHT.....Great start, I like the news people and the cops BUT I didn't like how it progressed in the film. We lost sight of some things and the villain is rubbish wasn't really taught carefully. We see so much insanity and chaos which we still don't know why.

Should This Film Been Made?

Here's my opinion. Yes they should, but considering how the film ended I can't see another one but it's open to interpretation which am guessing that's what Rob Zombie wanted. I THINK..... They should of done a more interesting plot for the family maybe do some flash backs or maybe there in prison and the flash backs happen before they go to prison or hanged who knows? BUT, if they make another film I would like to see a film with the same family tree just different family members. I can't believe that there was only 5 I THINK people in the family. If they were more, because I get the feeling they were all in the carnival at some point. We don't know why, so family for them is the carnival family.....So, maybe we see the Ringmaster's family and not the clowns. Something to consider when watching this film.

So, What's The Bottom Line?

If you have UK Netflix....give it ago. I am not saddened I watched it I feel I can see where Rob Zombie was going with the sequel of House of 1,000 Corpses. I would recommend it to a horror fan who likes to say something about a horror film. That's the bottom line.

Tips If Watching The Film?

  1. Make sure you watch House of 1,000 Corpses before you watch this film or it won't make much sense. 
  2. If you wanted the level of gore as the first one.....don't expect it. 
  3. Watch out.....he's a coming. 

My Rankings

IMDB users overall rated this 6.9. Personally, this didn't live to the expectations of a sequel to House of 1,000 Corpses. I felt this deserves a high 6 and a low 4. It wasn't as good sadly.

Here is the trailer:
Here is the IMDB page:

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