Monday 28 July 2014

What's The Bottom Line With The Number 23

The Number 23 (2007)

Starring Jim Carrey (Bruce Almighty and Ace Venture), Virginia Madsen (Sideways and Candyman) and Logan Lerman (Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters and The Perks of Being Wallflower)

First Impressions Before Seeing The Film?

have to admit, I thought it be a comedy because the only thing I remember seeing Jim Carrey really serious is The Truman Show which was a Drama and The Cable Guy that one seen it's like a horror film. But, I generally thought if Jim Carrey did a great performance in The Truman Show what's stopping him from doing a great horror film? I remember seeing this at a DVD shop for £3:00 around 2008. So, it's been out for a while and I thought £3 I ain't losing much money if it's a rubbish film. But, the artwork on the front was cool so there has been thought into the process and understanding of the film. Plus, going to the artwork with the number 23 written all over Jim Carrey's face we already know before even watching the film that's it's about obsession over something....the number 23? Why is it so relevant? It's going to be interesting because from Ace Venture we know he has this crazy persona but can he tone that into a Thriller crazy type of person or we gonna see the same old Jim Carrey Ace Venture GOOF BALL!....we shall see.

After I Watched The Film?

Wow, Jim Carrey has done it again and in a good way! This film is really a great film to watch if you like your thrillers, psychological confusion and my main reason it makes sense. It's not like half way they changed the plot, everything flows and everything makes sense from beginning to end. Yeah, there's an awesome twist which I wanna say but I won't! But, this film if your a Jim Carrey fan it would be great to talk about in your collection. Plus, when we consider as well we have Virginia Madsen who also plays a great character in this film she has already been in Candyman! A great classic horror film (If you haven't seen that it's like Bloody Mary but it's a man with a hook! and no it's not Peter Pan at all!) She plays the wife in the film and the relationship we see throughout the film alters but not by much. There is a lot of psychological mumble jumble meaning that you really get to see Jim Carrey's character mainly and others in a different state which is what I love about this film. It's like The Shining but with numbers! Well, one number.....23

So, Did Jim Carrey Alone Make This Film? 

That's a hard question to really answer. I think if it was just him clearly it wouldn't have the same impact as the film we see today. We see him project his emotions through people and it either bounces off or flows like a normal human being! But, then again what is normal? I think if it was someone else I wouldn't write about this film but considering it's a different side of Jim Carrey I've seen him in Man on the Moon, Ace Venture, The Truman Show, The Cable Guy and off course Bruce Almighty but this film really shows a different side to him. Plus, I like to think that to make a good film or just a decent film you need more than one actor to make it good. For example, Mrs. Doubtfire YES! Robin Williams made this film but it couldn't be possible without the kids like Mara Wilson from Matilda or even Pierce Brosnan who played the little villain but considered to be a good guy to some. So, I think Jim Carrey made this film to a Hollywood film but the others supported the film to give it that balance of a decent film.

So, What's The Bottom Line?

If you like your messed up films with a crazy twist then this if for you. Bottom Line? That's it! It's a must see thriller and it's unusual to see Jim Carrey like this and it's also comforting because he is keeping his options open not just to comedy but to thrillers too!

Tips if watching the film?

  1. Don't judge the film because Jim Carrey is in it, before you watch the film. His acting is different and it's quite a serious disturbing film if you like your thrillers.
  2. I wouldn't pay attention to EVERYTHING just watch and enjoy am sure you can figure out the twist.....who am I kidding! You really have to watch the film to get the twist. I don't think anyone would of got the twist unless you read the book. 
  3. This film has no Oscars but it has had 5 nominations so that alone should convince you this is a good film to watch with someone or on your own. 

My rankings

IMDB users and I don't get on! Haha they rated a good 6.4 and I rated it a 10 out of 10. I know am like this with most films but listen.....Jim Carrey in a different light, a great twist, great acting, good suspense what more can I ask for? That's what I like in this film and there wasn't one bit I thought "OH SNAP, THEY SHOULDN'T DO THAT!" NO! To me, it's all good but that's my opinion.

Here is the IMDB page to find out more about The Number 23:

PLUS, I thought I give you viewers a treat of giving you the trailer on the page as well;

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