Friday 18 July 2014

What's the Bottom Line on Steptoe and Son?

Steptoe and Son 
(1962 - 1974)

Starring Wilfrid Brambell (A Hard Day's Night and The Terence Davies Trilogy), Harry H. Corbett (Jabberywocky and Carry on Screaming!) and Frank Thornton (Last of the Summer Wine and Are You Being Served?) 

First Impression Before Watching Steptoe and Son?

It was on channel Gold, so I didn't really do any research into the show at all before I saw it. When I saw the name 'Steptoe and Son' I thought of a dealers of some kind like Only Fools and Horses. But, you'll find out what I fought.

After, I watched Steptoe and Son?

"HAROLD!" haha, if you've seen this you know what THAT means! This is brilliant, funny funny funny all round. Steptoe is the typical horrid old neighbour you have that would say "get off my lawn" and fire water at them! Or old people being ninjas! (that's an episode!) While, HAROLD 'son' works the horse and scrap yard to sell antiques and he always wants bigger things even if it's a girlfriend. But, good old Steptoe stops him for having his fun. I bought the box set and I have watched most of them, even the black and white ones! Which I didn't know they did I thought it was always in colour! But, looking at the date 1962 to 1974 understandable why some are in black and white and some are in colour! But, I like Laurel and Hardy in black and white so it didn't phase me. I know for some people it does phase them because it's too 'old' or 'un-modern'. These two are like Laurel and Hardy but some how a lot more common. We see them live together, eat together and even try and plot together like Laurel and Hardy. But, Steptoe and Son are restricted to UK. Whilst, we see Laurel and Hardy go on much more adventures!

Why is it so funny?

Here's my logic in two words 'realistic' and 'believable'. Wait, that's three words. Anyway, some of the things they say is something you could see yourselves saying. The situations they are in no matter how ridiculous or how silly. I can picture it happening to anyone! Maybe, not the video footage I have below! But, dunno could happen! I just think it's family friendly, the 'old' agers will understand the humour and the history of some of the episodes. I think the newer age generation will love this because it's something different and the comedy is just brilliant. Plus, it's not only a television show, this has done movies and even stage productions of it are still being done! It was a smash hit! Don't believe me? It went to 1962 to 1974 that's a solid 12 years on Britain's television screens AND it's on channel Gold. So, it must be good to watch because it's always coming back. 

So, what's the bottom line?

Like simply comedy, comedy duos and the old fashion wittiness that drives you mad. This is certainly for you. And that, "HAROLD" is the bottom line.

Tips if watching this TV show?

Forget how old the TV show is, just give the footage I have below a try and if you don't find this or other episodes funny, just stop. If you don't find at least three episodes or even one episode completely funny then just stop watching it. 

My rankings 

I give this a 10 out of 10, not what IMDB users give a 8.2, the genuis behind the writing is stainless steel of brilliance, the comedy duo is up there with Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy.

Here is the IMDB website:

A treat for my readers, footage from one of my favourite episodes called "Divided We Stand". My first and favourite episode of Steptoe and Son.

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