Saturday 26 July 2014

What's The Bottom Line with House of Wax?

House of Wax (2008)

Starring: Chad Michael Murray (One Tree Hill), Paris Hilton (Repo! The Genetic Opera) and Elisha Cuthbert (24)

First Impressions Before Seeing The Film?

I remember seeing this in 2009, it was in an old DVD store in Tameside and the artwork looked quite unusual for a horror film. Not unusual, it works. And, when I say it works. House of Wax and there's an image of a face slowly melting am already interested in the film because it looks disturbing, not for the faint heart and it should be a good horror film. From experience, I have to say that if the art work looks like it's had some attention, some thought and some general knowledge of horror films overall it should be a good horror film.

After I watching this film?

Whilst doing my blogs, I do general research into the film. This wasn't an original idea this is actually a remake. But, after I watched this film I thought how creative and unique this film is. The special effects are really good we really see some of the nowadays effect in these movies. The acting (yes I know Paris Hilton is in it) is actually pretty decent and actual some thought in this film. The house of wax, the name means a lot for the film. When, I first heard it I thought the actual house was made of wax....hahha....oh wait it is! I think that's why I think it's unusual because it's a house....made of .....wax! 

Why Should I See This Horror Film?

If you haven't seen this film, I would highly recommend it. It's a horror film where there's meaning behind the slasher, there's reasoning for the victims too. We discover why are they here, who they are individually in some little depth. Which is key for a horror film. I HATE (powerful word there) when we just get right into a horror and no nothing about these characters. This film actually slowly but at a steady pace we discover each of the character's emotion, who they are and what they are like. The killer itself.....I won't say too much but for my opinion he is very Mike Myers (Halloween) and then in some ways a Hannabal Lecture played by Anthony Hopkins in Silence of the Lambs. But, this film is worth watching we have great special effects, a great storyline and the killer's storyline, we discover what is the house of wax and what happens to victims too. It is truly an extraordinary film which must be seen by a true horror fan. 

So, what's the bottom line?

MUST WATCH IF YOU'RE A HORROR FAN, and that my dear viewers is the bottom line.

Tips if watching the film?

  1. Go in with an open mind
  2. Don't try to understand anything, just watch and enjoy
  3. If you like killers, this killer is truly unique at his artwork

My rankings 

I really don't like IMDB when it rates horrors, the users gave this a 5.3 and PERSONALLY I give it a 10. YES, Paris Hilton is in it. BUT, I don't go for who's in it more for what they have done in the movie. It is truly a great horror film and I would love to hear comments if you don't like this film and your reasoning.

Here is the IMDB link to find out more about House of Wax:

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