Thursday 16 October 2014

What's The Bottom Line special Throwback Thursday presents Predator

Predator (1987)

Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger (Terminator and Twins) Carl Weathers (Rocky and Rocky II) and Kevin Peter Hall (Bigfoot and the Hendersons and Predator 2)


Welcome to another Throwback Thursday, this week we are going back to 1987 to see a film that made a huge box office hit at the weekend....That's right Predator. This was a great action sci-fi feel film for the lovers of aliens and guys with muscles and guns, and off course who can fill these shoes? Arnold Schwarzenegger. This blog will look at the review of the film and some interesting facts about the film too.

First Impressions Before Seeing The Film?

In all honesty, I didn't have a clue what to expect, I actually watched this after I saw Aliens vs Predator. So, I didn't really know what to expect. Since, it's called 'Predator' and not 'Aliens' I assumed that it's merely about The Predator species kicking butt, winning, and saving the day. That's basically it, I would say since it's 1987 the special effects would probably be similar to the Aliens VS Predator one. I can see the technology being lower because of AVP having that extra element and history of technology. I wouldn't expect the same presence from the Predators. I am surprised that Arnold Schwarzenegger I would of thought Sylvester Stallone or Chuck Norris being in this film for some reason. So, it was a nice surprise to know that Arnold Schwarzenegger is in this film, so make him stand out in the sci-fi and action films with Terminator. Maybe, Arnold Schwarzenegger just likes sci-fi action films ending in r's? Predators? Terminator? One word films. So, I wasn't expecting Arnold Schwarzenegger character to say much, in some of his films I notice there one lines or just a few facial expressions, for comedy like Twins, Kindergarten Cop and Jingle All The Way I notice he has a lot more lines. 

After I Watched The Film?

You know what? It's actually an excellently made film. And, considering the only thing that still comes close to Predator is Aliens, it's actually alone a great film. Predator shows the culture, the gizmo's they have, what they look like more. From AVP, they look more basic, I prefer Predator's adaptation to the creature making it look more animalistic. But, the special effects were quite good too and considering Arnold Schwarzenegger I was surprised at how well he played his character. Predator is basically the prey is getting hunted....then the hunted become the prey. It's truly an excellent film full of action, intelligence, technology, alien and even some funny humorous moments along the way. I actually thought at one point I wouldn't know who would win between Arnold Schwarzenegger and the Predator. Only because, Arnold Schwarzenegger is this massive, unstoppable, muscular machine....and in some theory so is the Predator as well. But, the Predator just has mad skills, and it's interesting in the film Arnold Schwarzenegger covers himself in mud, so it shows that Predators only see inferred with the helmet on, the helmet can help find someone in a global way by changing settings until one is found. I think, in this film we do see some form of Predators being this very proud species but mainly see this transaction in AVP. I thought the voice actor got the Predator spot on, because it's just a unique creature and it does some noises and it's quite forbidden to us, it's an unknown language which always adds to the uniqueness to the film.

What Made This Film So Interesting?

On reflection....I would say the combination of Arnold Schwarzenegger has to use some strategy and intelligence then saying "I'll be back" and I think the fact that Predator was a very new kind of Alien that we haven't encountered before. So, the combination of Arnold Schwarzenegger's character and the combination of this new Predator technology, cunning and the ultimate Predator makes it really interesting. On top, of the special effects, guns blazing, knives throwing, people dying it's one of those films, I think you either love or hate. But, if you generally like action, sci-fi films then this film should be in one of you're top 10 be now.

Facts About This Film?

Basically, this is some trivia that you may or may not know about the making or during the making of this film Predator, a lot of people have been messaging to keep this feature. So, here it is, 10 facts about The Predator movie;

  1. I think this is funny because Jesse Ventura was delighted to find out from the wardrobe department that his arms were 1" bigger than Arnold Schwarzenegger's. He suggested to Schwarzenegger that they measure arms, with the winner getting a bottle of champagne. Ventura lost because Schwarzenegger had told the wardrobe department to tell Ventura that his arms were bigger. I mean off course they would be it's Schwarzenegger in the good old days! 
  2. Jean-Claude Van Damme was originally cast to play the Predator but he was dropped for being a relentless complainer.
  3. After Dutch (Arnold Schwarzenegger) impales a baddie against a wooden post with his machete, he utters the immortal one-liner "Stick around!" This was apparently improvised on the spot by Arnie.
  4. The original concept for this film originated as a joke. Someone said that the only person Rocky Balboa of the Rocky (1976) series of films had yet to fight was E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982). No wonder, E.T. wanted to go home! 
  5. Part of the shoot was 48 hours before Arnold Schwarzenegger's wedding rehearsal dinner. Jesse Ventura teased him about his nuptials, often ruining takes; director John McTiernan was not amused. Schwarzenegger missed the final preparation and Maria Shriver was not happy about that, because his mind was more on the film instead of their wedding. Arnie in trouble! 
  6. Shane Black hated the glasses he was given to wear as Hawkins. He wanted to wear authentic military-issue ballistic glasses worn by actual troops in the field, but the director wanted him to look as geeky as possible. And, from a geek myself it worked! 
  7. Let's talk predator's blood - a goopy substance with the color of Mountain Dew - was made on-set using a mixture of the liquid from inside glow sticks, and KY jelly. Perfect for those Halloween tricks.
  8. The mandibles of the predator were the idea of James Cameron.
  9. Arnold Schwarzenegger never worked again with producer Joel Silver after this film.
  10. 1986's "Aliens" was Jim and John Thomas's major inspiration behind "Predator". This later led to the crossover "Alien Vs. Predator" comic books, video games, action figures and two "Alien Vs. Predator" feature films released in 2004 and 2007.

My Rankings

Considering Arnold Schwarzenegger performance within the film, the unique character/species of The Predator. I would have to give this a very respectful 9 out of 10. There were some moments, I feel need that extra attnetion during special effects with the Predators technology, I feel the outfit needed something to make it look more alien than it already is. But, I do remember this is an 1987 film and the fact is they were experimenting and risking this character. And, it worked they made a hit. But, I stand by a 9 out of 10 for this film. 

So, What's The Bottom Line?

I think if you like your cunning and intelligent aliens then this is for you. If you prefer aliens or creatures that when you feed after midnight or water them and turns in some crazy creatures, I think Gremlins is on soon because we are near Christmas. But, bottom line in all seriousness, it's the Predator, the ultimate fighting machine, ultimate hunter, who wouldn't want to fight this beast? I would rather watch comfy in my chair in the living room, because to kill the Predator, you have to think like a predator and that's the bottom line.

Here is the trailer:

Here is the IMDB page

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