Sunday 12 October 2014

What's The Bottom Line special Spontaneous Sunday presents Disney Art Using Our Lips?!?!


Disney Art With Our Lips?


I thought for Spontaneous Sunday considering Halloween is right around the corner, what would make you stand out......Why not! Laura Jenkinson's make up designs? They are very contemporary, they are in and we haven't seen them out in public on someone's face....You could have the little designs on you're mouth whilst wearing the costume. It's Halloween, make the most of it and leave a great impression! 

Who's The Artist?

We first came across make-up artist/blogger Laura Jenkinson after the passing of Robin Williams—her  mouth-art image of Genie from Aladdin is a worthy tribute to the late comedian. But she’s got mad skills—using make-up and her facial expressions to re-create some of our favourite Disney characters and other familiar faces. Since her first seeing of the Disney's Aladdin character Genie, to show respect to the recently deceased Robin Williams, she has become quite famous and these art works are quite unique, we haven't seen them before, and it took someone's time to create something different and hip. I like the fact, there's some form of playfulness with the art work because it's appealing to all ages, anyone can do this really with the patience and time, it's creative and it will show off you're personality more. Laura Jenkinson being a excellent make-up artist, I have had a look at her blogs as well and they are truly brilliant to have a look at, it reflects the artists mind. 

What Creations Has She Done?

I thought she only did Disney animated works but nope, she's done all sorts from animals, cartoons, Disney, Pixar, wording, there's a whole range of portfolio designs from a huge rainbow. Below, shows a brilliant Terminator designs, then a WOW which is quite creative and quite unusual to look at actually and off course Stewie Griffin. Three completely different designs but in some way it reflects that she is pushing boundaries and the fact that she is keeping her mind open. Which, for some stubborn artists/bloggers/writers/photographers it's quite hard to keep an open mind. But, Laura Jenkinson is really showing that she can achieve anything through a mouth, some brushes and colour. I think she's a quirky character, I think she has something everybody wants and that's keeping the essence of childhood alive whether it's from Disney to Terminator there's some form of comfortability within her art work that makes people stop and stare and appreciate it. 

Halloween Ideas?

I think considering Halloween is literally around the corner now, I think this would be a nice idea to do, maybe as a trail to see people's reactions. I don't think Laura Jenkinson has stopped with her work, I can see it growing and growing I think this is just the start of what we are expecting from Laura Jenkinson. I think she actually cares about her artwork as well because we see a sense of passion and hard work from the artist and what she creates. They aren't just little doodles so when you're thinking of going as a character and don't know how to do it, maybe you should draw the character on you're mouth, or a word, like if you're going as Sheldon Cooper I know one word fitting "Bazzzinggaaa" Across you're mouth, I think it would be unusual for people to watch on Halloween and you don't have to go all out then getting dressed as long as you look the part for Halloween. 

What's The Bottom Line?

I think Laura Jenkinson has set the bar quite high, she has been in news, she runs her own blog site, she has numerous different kinds of designs. So, my bottom line would be, check out her blog site, instagram and Facebook when you can. I have her blog site and Instagram below and I hope you enjoy discovering this great art work as I did writing about it. 

Here's Laura Jenkinson's Instagram:

AND here's Laura Jenkinson's Blog Site:

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