Sunday 19 October 2014

What's The Bottom Line special Funky Facts

Megi Sans Regular


Here's some fun, random, informative facts for those funky people that actually find knowledge interesting...from the absurd to the common knowledge we look at nearly anything possible! Funky facts will start off with general knowledge, then work up to the most selective facts from singers to actors and geography country names to who's related to who?! FuNkY fAcTs will introduce different kinds of knowledge to you, that's why That's The Bottom Line is behind this new feature in the blog site, because it's exciting and it's what we stand for. 

Little Red Riding Hood original version

I was actually shocked by what the original version is! So, as we know from kids books, Little Red Riding Hood goes to Grandma's house...Simple? No, there's a big bad wolf who has eaten Grandma and is waiting for Little Red Riding Hood to take the treats and eat here, then this axe man saves them and cuts the wolf up and saves Grandma. Aww, happy ending except for the wolf. BUT, the original story is Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf eat the Grandmother together! I never knew that! Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf eat her Grandma! Cannibalism must of been in season! 

Bubble Wrap....What was it suppose to be?

Funny enough this was suppose to be something fashionable....No, not to wear but to put on you're walls! That's right! Bubble wrap was suppose to be a new form of wallpaper to put in you're houses, but let's be honest now.....When we discover it popped, we decided to have it to wrap Christmas presents in.

What's the word for the day after tomorrow?

I just thought this was a riddle and there's nothing after the day after tomorrow. That's why I hear that saying more often. BUT, there's actually a word for this......The word for the day after tomorrow is OVERMORROW. I have never, ever, ever, EVER heard of this world in my entire life. I have never heard it in films, TV Shows or in general conversation.

Can there be a fear of an empty beer glass?!?!

This made me laugh the most....although there is a fear if you have an empty beer glass! It's actually a really complicated long sounding word called "Cenosillicaphobia". Take breath, say it 5 times you probably be like, "That sounds right". But, honestly I had to research this because it sounds ridiculous!..... It's true, it's the fear of an empty beer glass and feeling incredibly uncomfortable, depressed etc, you get the image. I wonder what's the cure....Well, read some articles and it says go to the bartender and ask for another one before you have a nervous breakdown.

Where did Nerd come from?

I love this funky fact because I have always wondered where the word itself Nerd came from. It actually came from a beloved children's author.....This person, wrote The Cat in the Hat and Green Eggs and Ham. Yeah, the rhyming fanatic Dr. Suess created Nerd. The first hearing of this word was in a book he created called "If I Ran The Zoo". And, Nerd was a character as you see above.....think we were quite off in the appearance. I have never seen Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang turn yellow and black with a red mask and white hair.

What does the Queen of England have near Buckingham Palace?

Have you always wondered why you never seen the Queen of England in you're regular Mc Donalds? WELL, the Queen of England actually has her very own McDonald's near Buckingham Palace. Lucky for some eh! She also owns her very own Mothercare and B+Q as well.

What does Dementors in Harry Potter mean to J.K. Rowling?

As well know Dementors are those soul eating creatures of darkness working for the Minstry of Magic. BUT, there's more to these Dementors then we know! J.K.Rowling created these Dementors and they are a symbol of the depression she has as a person, writer, creator. So, when you watch these dark, hideous, powerful creatures they are the meaning of J.K. Rowling's depression. 

Did you know Zombies have there own dating site?

......Yeah....Zombie Harmony is a REAL website and basically if you're a zombie you should go to this site and date other Zombies.....I really have to think IS THIS REAL! And, it is. But, there's Zombie Passion as well providing Zombies to get together. I think it's cute you can date after you're dead and come back to life. But, Zombies? Don't get me wrong love Resident Evil, Shaun of the Dead and even Dawn of the Dead zombies but I wouldn't take them Frankie and Bennies, bit insulting I'll have the pasta my date has the waiter ya know! This is the description of the website there little description;

"ZombieHarmony is for zombies only. We advise signing up for ZombieHarmony only if you lack a pulse, have limited motor skills, or feel an intense desire to feast on human beings. We are not responsible for lost or ingested loved ones. If you go on a date with a zombie, we cannot be held liable for contributing to the apocalypse." 

And, the signing up/register is itself hilarious for me to read. Are you an A) Fast Moving B) Slow Moving .... wait this gets better or C) Immobile....So, basically if there's half or no head! I dunno! And you can pick, some, limit or no limbs as an option! I mean..... This is crazy! And, there's members! And the profiles are funny too...... One says "I've got one eye, half a torso, and a whole lot of heart" another one says " I enjoy, long, slow, lumbering walks on the beach". So, if you're a zombie please check out this're flesh eating lover might be here:

How much does Google make a second? 

Well, it makes only $700 dollars A SECOND! So, whilst you're searching into google boom it made 700 bucks that easy! Google made last year around $33.3 BILLION dollars. That's HUGE and roughly coming near 700 dollars a second! Everyone loves Google, it's one of the majority web searches so now you know how much you're searches are worth. 

If you're a WoW fan, this might make you laugh! 

Just saying, if my parents did this to my wrestling, Destiny or even Titanfall games I would cry! A loving caring dad, actually HIRED an assassin to kill his son's WoW avatar to get him to stop playing the game. Don't get me wrong, that's major respect thinking out of the box of trying to get you're son to stop playing a game. But, am a gamer, respect gamers and let's be honest eventually after a quest we do stuff. But, THIS! Is EPIC! The Dad could of created his own and killed his son in the game and said in a text chat "Now, do you're homework". But, no. He hired an assassin in WoW to kill his son....It's like that Dark Deed in the game, that twist haha but hilarious.

What does ESPN and Disney have in common?

Well, funny enough, Disney owns 80% of ESPN, as we know. Disney owns Marvel and Walt Disney Studios owns The Muppets Studio now too. But, it doesn't end there! They own Lucasfilm, A+E Networks so the A+E, History, H2, Fyl, Military History, Crime and Investigation Network, ABC Enterprises, Inc. Lifetime Entertainment Services. ABC Entertainment, ABC Family. Regarding Marvel, they own the Marvel Entertainment the cover concepts, Marvel characters, Marvel Studios, Marvel Television, Marvel Animation. Below, is an image of what Disney owns which is Thor, Captain America, Hawkeye, Punisher, Hulk, Iron Man, Black Widow (The Avengers), Power Pack, Ghost Rider, Black Panther, Daredevil, Elektra, Blade, Ant-Man, Clock and Dagger, Dr.Stranger and Luke Cage. Universal Pictures on Namor, Lionsgate Entertainment owns Man-Thing, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver belong to Marvel Studios and 20th Century Fox. So, 20th Century Fox owns.....Fantastic Four, Silver Surfer, Deadpool, Wolverine, X-Mne and Cable. And, we all know Sony Pictures owns Spider-Man and Vemon. So, Disney must be making money! Since, there's going to be a LOT of Marvel films on the way, alongside Disney films coming out too. 

What's The Bottom Line?

Let's end Funky Facts with the fact that today, in 1466 on this date The Thirteen Years' War ends with the Second Peace of Thorn in Germany. On that note, have the peace of FuNkY fAcTs that you have some random facts! From the fear of an empty pint glass to a zombie dating site! 

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