Sunday 30 November 2014

What's The Bottom Line with My Top 20 Favourite Aliens From Films

Aliens - the-alien-films Photo

My Top 20 Favourite Aliens From Films


So, here's my top 20 Aliens, I was trying my best to pick different kinds of aliens, I've done some from Star Trek, Star Wars, Musicals, Disney films, animation, sci-fi, I love the concept of the unknown. And, considering Aliens are still to this date, hugely popular and still we are in the unknown, makes you wonder is there truly life outside our solar system. So, here's my top 20 aliens and why, and at the end I will give a bottom line into why I overall picked these aliens. 

1) Alien from Alien (1979)

There actually isn't one is the best and 20 is the worst! But, we can clearly say that this Alien from Alien (1979) has to be at least in the top three of our all time favourite alien. I watched the directors cut last night, and am planning on watching them all throughout December, because Alien is one of those films that is unique on it's own. It doesn't start of like this, it's like a parasite and lays eggs in it's victims and boom, you have a tiny slimy alien....for about 10 minutes, then it shreds and boom! You have a huge 9/10 feet, slithering, stealth killing machine!. I think I like the fact it has two mouths, the creators really thought of what we could do to make it truly an alien! So, clearly you need that fear factor. You need sharp teeth, give it another set! The head for the shell make it completely different from our own and off course that tail! I think, I like anything the Alien has been in, even AVP because it gave it a completely different dimension to Alien that I didn't know of. But, I would have to say that Alien is truly a top 5 Alien when it comes to Alien films. 

2) Predator from Predator (1987)

Speaking of killing machines, this is probably a bad butt kicking machine in its own rights. We first saw these creatures in Preadtor (1987) has done a few films and even remakes called Predators. And, was in AVP 1 + 2. But, what is a Predator? Well, apart from being the most unattractive thing since Jason Voorhees with dreadlocks. But, what comes down to it has high tech equipment, it has awesome stealth weapon, different settings into his helmet for thermal, movement, blood recognition. And, it has lots of bombs as well, I remember Predator he planted bombs and traps for the prey. It's the ultimate Predator in and out of the known and unknown universe if I had to name it. But, who could stop it? Well, Arnold Schwarzenegger did try his best! But, I love the level of detail later on they did to the Predator and we see a more ritual, tribe and in a sense pride and respect for killing there prey. I would just love to see an origins story, a proper one of these creatures. 

3) E.T from E.T The Extra-Terrestrial (1982)

It's a cute film, ideally this is what we imagine as aliens at first thinking I would say. E.T Phone Home, is still being used in adverts today because of how hugely popular the film is. That iconic scene the boy flying on his bike has been used as spoofs everywhere. From Simpsons, Family Guy, American Dad, to Lego games and advertising companies. I think the main thing, if I had to pick anything from E.T is that the alien is pure. E.T is an innocent alien, who doesn't want to do harm to others, E.T is a curious alien, wondering and is lost and can't find his way back. I have to say, they got that vulnerability that was portrayed in E.T spot on, because of the size of E.T, the speech, the very look at E.T either makes you go "Aww!" or "Eww" but not "AHHH!" which I feel is a good spot to make in an Alien film. To get that right, presence of a family atmospheric film.

4) Paul from Paul (2011)

I love this film because it's the third film from Nick Frost and Simon Pegg, they did Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz and then this Paul! It's purely one of the best sci-fi films I've seen that has got that comedy element correct. Paul, just reminded me of a more sober Roger from American Dad. The fact that this alien was more knowledgeable, more funny, more enthusiastic than others that I mentioned. I mean, he doesn't come close to killing Predator but at least you can get drunk with Paul. Plus, we see what Aliens powers can do, because there's that theory of if you do get kidnapped by aliens you will be probed for information and they will plant a device to control your minds. A lot of films, have references to this from Looney Tunes: Back in Action, Scooby-Doo and the Alien Invaders to clearly Paul and Scary Movie 3. I think Paul is a winner, the look of him isn't too simple, you get the right characteristics and that X-Files look of what Aliens look like. And, the fact Paul's personality is very human I think, and what is human? Well, basically Paul is communicating and the character itself is more connectible to other aliens. 

5) Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

I AM GROOT! I AM GROOT! I was carefully picking which alien from the Marvel Universe I would want to write about. And, the fact, I was thinking which Alien talks the least but leaves that astonishing lasting impression. Groot! Groot is a tree life form that can grow....he can only say "I AM GROOT" but it means different things, and some people can or can't understand him. Plus, I won't mention it because it is a new film and just come out and people might not see it yet. But, Groot has some incredible abilities which for an alien life form really makes you think and want to be a Groot some where out there.

6) The Borg from Star Trek: The First Contact (1996)

I was going to pick more of the traditional and a lot more well known Star Trek aliens. But, this alien deserves to be here because it was rated out of top 10 most scariest alien life form in films. The Borg, it's a collective hive, intelligent, it's basically The Cybermen from Doctor Who but doesn't look to metal more dark and you see the human life inside the Borg more. I think the fact, the Borg does adapt to it's surroundings and learns of a way to kill you in minutes, can hack into ships, can take over ships, destroy ships, simulate and convert any alien life forms into the Borg is really interesting. We seen the Borg throughout Star Trek, my favourite is Star Trek: Voyager when Seven of 9 gets back to being human, but still has those Borg characteristics. I would state, that the Borg is one of those aliens that can't be stop unless your inside the collective, and for that to happen you have to be a Borg.

7) Audrey II from Little Shop of Horrors (1986)

He's just a green mean mother.,....Shut your mouth! Audrey II is a plant from outer space, it's in a musical called Little Shop of Horrors. I have to say, that this just makes me laugh every time I see it. I love the music, but I love the actual character of Audrey II. Audrey II is clever, manipulative, and it grows and grows by eating humans...Yeah, don't buy this at your local supermarket! But, Audrey II is sassy, cheeky, funny, charming, and the fact that Audrey II sounds and understands what we humans go through, and knows our hearts and desires can break that down to get what Audrey II wants. I think the fact, it's one of those interesting Aliens that you can't believe can happen, happened! If you haven't seen this film see it, you got Rick Moranis from Honey, I Shrunk The Kids and Spaceballs, John Candy from Cool Runnings, Steve Martin from Cheaper by the Dozen. It's a great family film, and I would highly recommend ti.

8) Critters from Critters (1986)

I was going to do the Gremlins, but I didn't know what to class them as. So, I got the next best thing which I knew is an alien. Critters. They did three films of these creatures, they have the personalities of the Gremlins, but they swear a lot more and they are furry. It's like getting a cute little werewolf drunk before it eats you. They have the same principle of the Gremlins, if they eat they grow and multiple.They are very cheeky and they will laugh at you, and eyes go red. I wouldn't class it as a horror but they did back then, it's very funny if you love Gremlins these films you will utterly love. I just love the fact, they classed Critters as the ultimate killing machine....kick them and they will fly out of your door.

9) Coneheads from Coneheads (1993)

Speaking of comedy, Dan Aykroyd's best performance I think. There's a connection with these aliens with Star Trek: Arena when Dan Aykroyd's character has to fight for his freedom. I mean, Coneheads the alien itself isn't actually from anywhere! Well, that I could find, it's an original idea. Basically, these Coneheads get stranded on Earth so they have to blend in, and before you know it! They love Earth, you do discover they talk differently, my favourite scene is the Dentist! They have like 300 teeth! Honestly thou, if you have a son or daughter and you want them to try out sci-fi films this is ideally one of the first films to try. It has some soppy romance, fantastic drama and action and off course lots of laughs a long the way.

10) Darleks from Dr. Who and the Darleks (1966)

I have just noticed that we have been doing a lot of killing machines! Next up, The Darleks from the most running longing sci-fi TV series in history, Doctor Who. Not many people, might not know about Dr. Who and the Darleks because it's not fully connected with the Doctor Who TV Series. The Darleks. Inside, a squid like intelligent being, outside an armored, plunger killing and death ray firing and off course "EXTERMINATE" killing machine. I love the fact, that they have look more darker in the latest TV series and they don't look well 60s. I have to admit, the look is fantastic, it's unusual and is probably the top 5 all time Doctor Who foes. These Darleks can even levitate upstairs, fly and temporary shift (teleport in time). They are the most technological advanced alien I would say with the ability to conquer worlds. 

11) Aliens from The War of the Worlds (2005)

Speaking of words. War of the Worlds. We see these machines destroying buildings, capturing humans. But, we only see a glimpse at what these Aliens look like. And, from what I remember of the film because we are going back a good 9 years now. The aliens wasn't as easy to kill, they are intelligent, and they wanted to capture the world for there own. But, the aliens seem to be curious about the world and what was going on in the world. It had that post apocalyptic atmosphere about it, but I would have to say that it's one of the best alien films because of how we see humanity coping with a offensive alien force. 

12) Martians from Mars Attack!! (1996)

Martians from Mars here to take over the planet. But, what are the Martians? I think, if I would have to break it down, they like to kill, they love it! They like the fact they can get away with pure murder and laugh about it because of Earth being under-advance. But, they have a sense of humour, I would say they have a great personality and if they want to take over the planet, do it in a funny way! They are curious, we can clearly see this in certain scenes. Like, transmitting a man's head to a dog's body....yeah that happened. Plus, it's a Tim Burton film which people sometimes forget, but the comedy element is there, and it's not taken to seriously I would thought. They kept with what we think Martians look like and incorporate it into actual events. I would have to say thou, there running is just hilarious.

13) The Nerdlucks from Space Jam (1996)

The Monstars! These talen stealing aliens is one of my favourite animated aliens. They are found in one of the most highest rated animated film in the 90s Space Jam. They have that looney and clumsy personality and the fact they are tiny like a mouse, but has deadly weapons to take over Looney Tunes land makes them a comedy in itself. I mean, come on, imagine a mouse with a deadly weapon.....except Jerry (Tom and Jerry) and Danger Mouse. Plus, they all have different personalities, and the fact when they get All Star Basketball Player's talents they are huge, they are unstoppable at the talent of Basketball......cue Michael Jordon. It's truly a fantastic family 90s film and this is one reason why they deserve to be in the top 20. 

14) Yolkians from Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius (2001)

The chicken dance as a way of tribute to there God, which is a alien chicken....The Yolkians are an interesting species. They can easily take what they want, but as smarts go they aren't that intelligent. They more have a huge ego that they can't be stopped and they can conquer universes. However, the King seems to be the smartest of the Yolkians and his second hand man seems to be about 10 steps behind. The Yolkians are in my top 20 simply because of the visual design of the Aliens. It's slightly different from what we are related to what is Alien and they got rid of the whole intelligent life form and made them "stupid" which makes the element itself of the origins of Aliens (itself) being different. 

15) Thermians from Galaxy Quest (1999)

NEVER GIVE UP, NEVER SURRENDER. If you haven't seen this film, you wouldn't know what that means. But the Termians if I have to class them, they are like children, you have to talk to them very simple, and they can't grasp complicated situations. The film, is basically Star Trek, but imagine actors in a TV series called Galaxy Quest and aliens come across it, and think it's real....Yeah, that's the film. Thermians they are a squid like creature but as you can see they can transform to a human appearance. The four is the main characters we see, the one on the left is the main leader, the second is the engineer, the third is the female we see a lot and the third one is a lover of Alan Rickman's character. It's really another simple Sci-Fi film for new beginners to sink there teeth in. But, I picked these Aliens for my top 20 because of how different they are as aliens. For example, one of the scenes they are asking Tim Allen (Captain of the spaceship in the TV series Galaxy Quest) for help to fight against an alien race. He thinks it's this new script, but it actually happens. It's a quirky film, but a family audience and sci-fi lovers will love this film. 

16) The Great Gazoo from The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas (2000)

I didn't like this film, but I love seeing one of my childhood characters come to the big screen. The Great Gazoo. The Great Gazoo is a tiny, green, floating alien who was exiled to Earth from his home planet Zetox as punishment for having invented a doomsday machine, a weapon of immense destructive power. His invention was a button which if pressed would destroy the universe in an explosive "ZAM," though he insists he made it on a whim ("I wanted to be the first on my block to have one!") with no intent of using it. Gazoo was discovered by Fred and Barney when his flying saucer crashed; Gazoo recognizes Fred's and Barney's world as prehistoric Earth, implying Zetox banished him through time as well as space. Gazoo refers to Fred and Barney as "dum-dums" and constantly causes problems for them. He can materialize and dematerialize objects, teleport, freeze time, travel through time, and perform other remarkable feats, but when he attempts to help out Fred and Barney, he usually ends up causing even more trouble. The only people who are able to see him are Fred, Barney, and the children, because they believe in him; animals also can see him. A running gag is that Fred argues with Gazoo while Wilma believes that he is talking to himself. When their daughter, Pebbles, says "Gazoo," Wilma thinks Pebbles is sneezing. I love The Great Gazoo because of his child like behaviour but also seeing that he sees people's dream and he can make them into a reality, so The Great Gazoo is like a genie in a spaceship, but be-careful what you wish for. 

17) Stitch from Lilo and Stitch

I love Stitch, probably one of the most well known aliens in Disney, Stitch is experiment 626, originally created to cause chaos across the galaxy, he is marked by his mischievous behaviour, traits that endear him to his friend Lilo (who adopted him as her puppy dog). Random fact about Stitch, he is voiced by his creator and the film's co-director, Chris Sanders. Stitch was created by Dr. Jumba Jookiba who made more than one experiment which made into a TV film "Stitch! The Movie" and TV series. But, Stitch became good through the help of Hawaiian girl Lilo and off course good old Elvis. I think Stitch is top 20 because of his ability to destroy cities, but also he's a cutie! I mean, he is one of a kind alien who has an interesting and curious behaviour. But deep down, I love Stitch as an alien, because he wants something we all have....a family.

18) Optimus Prime from Transformers (2007) 

Prime is the leader of the Autobots, a faction of transforming robots from the planet Cybertron. The Autobots are constantly waging war against a rival faction of transforming robots called Decepticons. He is depicted as a brave, powerful, wise and compassionate leader who puts his talent to use improving the universe around him. Optimus is portrayed as having a strong sense of justice and righteousness and has dedicated himself to the protection of all life, particularly the inhabitants of Earth. That's Optimus Prime in a nut shell, but why is he in the top 20? I think it's because of the fact that Optimus Prime is an alien, and the fact that we don't see Optimus. He can transform into a truck, I think it's that factor that Transformers can be anywhere, and the 2007 and latest 2014 film, you can see Optimus Prime being this over powering wise and intelligent being which is what we see as aliens, but in certainly a different light. 

19) Yoda from Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (1999)

Grand Master at the Jedi Council, and before anyone has a go at me. Yes, he was in Empire Strikes Back. But, I picked this film because if you want to do it correct logically. Yoda's first appearance in the story of Star Wars is in Star Wars Episode I: The Pnatom Menance, here is is younger than in Empire Strikes Back. I purely picked Yoda, because he is a Jedi, and in a sense Jedi's are alien because they can control and use the force, they have these abilities that other aliens in the Star Wars universe can't understand. So, who is Yoda? Grand Jedi Master Yoda is among the oldest and most powerful known Jedi Masters in the Star Wars universe. Series creator George Lucas originally wished Yoda to follow his other characters in having a full name—Minch Yoda—but instead opted to have many details of the character's life history remain unknown. Which am happy about becuase it's more curious as a character. Yoda's race and home world have not been named in any media, canonical or otherwise, and he is merely said to be of a "species unknown" by the Star Wars Databank. Which I would love to see, Yoda's origins as a film and see where Yoda came from. Hopefully, we hear of a reference in the new film next year. The films and Expanded Universe reveal that during 800 years, he had a hand in training almost every Jedi, including many of the most powerful Jedi such as Count Dooku, who is identified in Attack of the Clones as Yoda's old Padawan Learner (which Yoda kicked his but!) ; Mace Windu (played by Samuel L. Jackson!); Obi-Wan Kenobi (partially, before Qui-Gon Jinn takes over as Obi-Wan's master); Ki-Adi-Mundi, Kit Fisto and eventually Luke Skywalker. During the animated series Star Wars: Clone Wars, set between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, he mentions that he trained another one of the leaders on the Jedi Council, Master Oppo Rancisis. In the Star Wars prequels, it is shown that he instructs several younglings in the Jedi Temple before they are assigned to a master. This was displayed in a scene in Attack of the Clones.

20) Tia and Tony Malone from Escape to Witch Mountain (1975)

I was about two second away as picked The Doctor, but he isn't really in a film only Doctor Who: The Movie as Paul McGann but, he isn't my favourite Doctor. So, I went with Tia and Tony Malone in a Disney film called Escape to Witch Mountain, one has psychic abilities, and one can move stuff. But, who are they? Well, at first we just think they normal human beings, but Tia has this star case that she takes with her, which soon discovers that has a map on it. Throughout the film, there memories slowly come back to them, and they realize their accident at sea did not involve a boat, but in fact a spaceship. Tony and Tia are actually extraterrestrial, the double star stands for a binary star system where their home planet was located. They had to come to Earth because their own planet was dying, however the survivors of the journey made their way to Witch Mountain and formed a community to await the surviving children, each pair in possession of a star case to help them find their way to their new home. Tony and Tia are the first thou to reach their destination, which I didn't like would prefer seeing more survivors to show they are truly home.
The children are reunited with their Uncle BenĂ© (who survived after all, thanks to an "accommodating" shark whom he'd telepathically asked for help) and board another spacecraft. I think I picked these for my top 20 because they look like us, but have abilities that we just can't understand or can't get. And, this became a sequel too, and I think it's like The Doctor they have the human portrait, the human personalities, but they aren't all there like us. 

So, What's The Bottom Line?

The word Alien itself has been around beyond 1800, from Middle English: via Old French from Latin alienus ‘belonging to another’, from alius ‘other’. But, what it comes down to Alien means belonging to a foreign country, or in our cases planets. We are all aliens in a way when we enter foreign places like a new shopping centre, a new house, we are in the unknown. And, that's what we have here, my top 20 are really all in the unknown we can't fully understand what they are because they are alien. So, the bottom line, my top 20 will be different to yours because in a sense we are all alien in our personalities and comforts, I know we are all aliens. But, what it comes down to, is we all loving that taste of the unknown and what could and what will happen and that's the bottom line.

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