Monday 1 September 2014

What's The Bottom Line The Life Behind The Photographer Ray Worsnop and Model Missy Lee

The Life Behind The Photographer and The Model


This blog is mainly about looking into detail of what the photographer and model relationships are, and looking specifically at photographer Ray Worsnop and model Miss Lee. I asked a serious of questions to start my investigation into this and seeing what they see or what they experience. I had to go back to the basics of how they met and they slowly work up more complicated and more interesting questions that the public may need to know or not to know. Ray Worsnop runs his own company called Beautiful Boudoir Photography which is located in Rhyl. Plus, each question I will be giving my view on that question whether it be small or long on the responses to Missy Lee or Ray Worsnop.

Question 1: How did you two meet? Was it from an advert? A friend?

Missy Lee: Well funny you should ask that to be honest we met sat inside the doctors lol I know abit random he told me about if I wanted shoots done of the girls then go and see him then one of his other models which is my friend got me talking to Ray and that when I become one of his models .

Ray Worsnop: Morning, we met though another one of my models.

Edward Richards: Quite an interesting place to meet at the doctors, but you can't deny the quality of photographs has happened because of there meeting in the doctors. It's my first story that I have heard met inside the doctors waiting room, but you have to admit they have produced remarkable images through their meet.
Question 2: What's the relationship like between photographer and model? Is it strictly business or is there a form of friendship? 

Missy Lee: Both really he strictly my business boss but he also like a friend cos we have a great laugh and we just work together and it's brilliant I love every moment of it.

Ray Worsnop: it is a combination of both, but always professional.

Edward Richards: It's great to see that both model and photographer have a both friendship and strictly business relationship. I have seen both sides of where, it can be strictly business and you can see that through photography because the model or the way the photo is taken looks extremely un-fun and quite strict. A picture can capture that when you look at the model or the way the picture was taken.

Question 3: Who does the 'magic'? The photo itself? Does it come from the model or the photographer?

Missy Lee: My point of view I will say the model cos she puts all the effect into the poses and shoots and the photographer just uses his magic finger and just clicks a button what you see through the camera lens is what you get all natural looks.

Ray Worsnop: again it is my job in the first place to direct, but very soon the model learns and moves automatically... but the magic is a combination...... but I always ask what it is the model would like to capture for her!

Edward Richards: Both Ray Worsnop and Missy Lee stating slightly different things but they all have the same end results which I agree with. The 'magic' comes from the model but it does take a great photographer to capture this magic through certain frame work, angles and maybe some special effects done to the image to make the image more magical...if possible! But, seems so far the relationship has a great understanding of each other of how they work and communicate
Question 4: Is there any form of warm ups like you do before taking any pictures, like some picture taking to get the model focus or the photographer focus?

Missy Lee: No not really it's straight forward and easy flow all you do is pose and the camera takes the shots I think once you been doing it for years and months you get use to it.

Ray Worsnop:  I always try to have music that the model likes playing throughout the shoot.

Edward Richards: I quite like Ray Worsnop idea of using music simply because, I can relate to this. Doing a performing arts degree, we use music to warm up and it actually helps get into character, loose up and also become creative and imaginative in the frame work of the music. For example, if it was a sad song you instantly move slower and think slower but the capture of sadness can tell a story in a certain costume/attire. 

Question 5: How's the communication between photographer and model? 

Missy Lee: Mine and Rays communication is awesome we have such a great laugh why shooting we get on like a house on fire.

Ray Worsnop: We have regular brew brakes and chats about how they would like to pose and what to wear.

Edward Richards: I like the fact, that from what I understand some models don't do this. Even in breaks, they are still working which is great because they are using their time together to create more ideas for shoots which is brilliant. 
Question 6: Are there any boundaries being a photographer or model that you have come across or over came? 

Missy Lee: Yes as a model there is cos you got to be professional why shooting keeping the shoots to a level so people don't think the worst of you 

Ray Worsnop: I suggest a pose and if the model says no then its not done.....but if the models wants to pose in certain ways that's fine ..It is not my job to moralise, it my job to take the shot.

Question 7: Who suggests the ideas for the photo shoot? The photographer or model? 

Missy Lee: Both really we do it as team work we stick together. 

Ray Worsnop: joint discussions

Edward Richards: I do like the fact that they both suggests ideas because to me that is team work. A photographer can take pictures and can make suggestions and whilst the model is posing or on a break can suggest ideas too. It's nice to hear that a photographer and model communicate there ideas to each other because it progresses one persons thinking of how to create more photos. 

Question 8: Who has input in the attire/costume for the shoots? 

Missy Lee: The model herself decides what to wear how to wear and what position to pose in.

Ray Worsnop: There are no time limits for my shoots, and it is not unusual for there to be 8 changes of clothing the models bring with them.

Edward Richards: I think Missy Lee deciding herself what to wear is a great idea because as a female I notice what they were is what they are comfortable in. So, when a model is demonstrating her attire it shows the comfortableness of shooting in front of a camera because the clothing is either comfortable or familiar to that model. 

Question 9: What advice would you give photographers or models? 

Missy Lee: Advice for a model, well I'm a model to show young mums who had babies not all people are perfect with perfect figures and body and etc everyone.different in there own sizes and shapes people have scars stretch marks and etc but we're all beautiful so if you want to live your dream then do it don't let the haters stop you haters are haters until they know the story why.

Ray Worsnop: Make sure you have fun and enjoy what you're doing.

Edward Richards: My advice just being an outsider and witnessing around fifty models images is that, make sure you experiment and make sure if you do build up a portfolio to make sure it's the image you want when going into work. And, make sure that you have a great range of images so it widens your horizons. 

Question 10: Is being a photographer or model a full time job? 

Missy Lee: Yes course it is cos you put all your time and effect into the shoot and poses it's not easy being a model it's very hard work and knackering but I love it.

Ray Worsnop: Most of the models I shoot are virgins at modelling but want to have shots done and then see if it can become a job..I am a photographer...but shoot everything and anything. published a book last year and another book will be out this year.
Question 11: Do you have fun doing photoshoots? 

Missy Lee: Ahh yes I love it cos it shows people that I'm just me tasha aka miss lee and no one can't bully me about my figure or looks and I've come out of my shell since being a model I've started getting the old me back who has confidence doing anything without being embarrassed. 

Ray Worsnop: Yes...infact Missy Lee bought me a plaque that says...This home runs on fun and laughter..

Question 12: What are you interested in progressing into?

Missy Lee: Working with other models and photographers and sometime in my life and career being in a magazine but got time for all that thou.

Ray Worsnop: I already sell my work all over the commercial work

Question 13: where do you see your photos doing in five years time?

Missy Lee: In my portfolio and on people's studio walls I hope.

Ray Worsnop: Who knows! One day at a time

Question 14: What makes your photographs with Missy Lee and Ray Worsnop? 

Missy Lee: I think every shoot I've done with Ray is awesome he makes me feels comfortable and myself.

Ray Worsnop: Fun. 

Edward Richards: We can clearly see that they both capture the fun, seriousness and above all professional standard through the photographs. Which is why, Ray Worsnop and Missy Lee work so well together, they have respect for each other and they have fun making the magic happen through the camera. 
Question 15: Finally, in your own words what would you say photography or modelling is?

Missy Lee: I personally think modelling is an amazing experience it brings joy into someone's life's and it definitely brings the person.out of there shell builds confidence up in them self's about there looks and there body since I've been doing it I've come along way out of the.scale to 1 to 10 I would have to say 7 cos my confidence has flown really high I'm proud of myself for.coming this far

Ray Worsnop:  the answer is easy.....its subjective..

Edward Richards: Modelling is producing a form of art through images and the photographer has the task of capturing the beauty and magic through his or her eyes. 

"A note from Ray Worsnop: By the way I think its important to say...I know nothing at all about photography...hence I am know as the accidental photographer"

What's The Bottom Line?

We can clearly see that the relationship between the model and photographer is highly professional but at the same time fun and appears they both bring happiness to one another through the work they produce. We can see that it can be hard at first for a model or photographer but if you feel passionately enough about what you want to do, clearly you can get there and that;s the bottom line. 

If you want to follow more of my blogs click this link below:

Miss Lee Artistic Glamorous Dimensions modelling Faebook group, find out more click here:

1 comment:

  1. Amazing first blog and sound like they are doing really well.

    I know I love to model more (even if it is ones me just sitting there as someone take images of me) and see if my confince grows more.

    from bootanna -
