Saturday, 20 September 2014

What's The Bottom Line Looking At 5 REAL Mythical Creatures

5 Real Mythical Creatures That Actually Existed


This blog is looking at mythical creatures, that actually existed! People forget that these stunning historical creatures actually existed! And, I think That's The Bottom Line should look at these five incredible and stunning creatures that use to exist! I would highly recommend reading on because I learned so much from the facts from these creatures then I did from any movie.

1) Moby Dick

I did have my theories that this was a real mythical creature simply because the author wrote about it. So, surely there must of been an event or something that happened to make him think of Moby Dick. This whale destroyed 100 whaling ships and even taken on three ships and STILL destroyed them. There was a whaling attack in Essex's which is where the author came up with the drawing of Moby Dick. But, Moby Dick being a killer whale destroying ships. Moby Dick's story is truly one to look into, especially the naming of the whale. It's similar to Moby Dick, I think it's called Mocha Dick....yeah I know not much creativeness from the writer. But, anyway, looking at destroying over 100 ships. No wonder this whale had an attitude!

2) The Kraken 

Oh yes, that favourite Pirates of the Caribbean deadly creature actually exists. No one tell Johnny Depp okay? Recently, a huge squid that measures to the Kraken, it has sucked but sharp teeth. I think the size of the tentacles aren't dramatically taken out of proportion because we have seen even more footage of what could appear to be The Kraken. This creature has to be said to be near the Norway and Greenland area. The legend says that this giant squid is estimated size of 50ft in height! That is huge! Although, we have only heard about the Karen in fictional works, there has been discovers of huge squids only half the size of the Karen. So, you never know we may see The Kraken being discovered and just discovered the off springs of the Kraken. 

3) The Imoogi

I kind of like this myth because it's something quite unique and it's actually in loads of films. This all started off as a Korean legend, of a huge This was found in south america and it had 400 psi and it could actually swallow a human and not show any sign of it!. I look at this and think the anaconda has NOTHING on this creature, and it was 46 feet long and weighed over a ton! But, the legend goes that it's a Korean dragon, that it has the appearance of the dragon reflects its influences from its counterpart. The great example of this, in recent films is 47 Ronin! But, this python was believed to be a juvenile dragon. The Imoogi was also believed to live in water and it turned out that the Imoogi was nothing more than an overgrown python that loved marshlands. 

4) The African Unicorn

Just look at this creature they are called 'The Afircan Unicorn' even thou they don't have a horn that we think about of a unicorn. This creature, actually exists today in Africa, this unique animal has the upper body of a deer, the bottom of a zebra but in actual fact it's a species of giraffe. YEAH! It's messed up I know but looks really magical. This creature is actually called a 'Okapi', The okapi and the giraffe are the only living members of the family Giraffidae. This animal actually has been around since 1887 and that's just the record they could of been around a lot longer than that just that we haven't discovered them sooner.

5) Dracula 

No he wasn't a vampire, but he was a real person. Believe it or not but Dracula was based on a real person of a Romanian prince, he tortured and kill his enemies even thou he couldn't fly he consumed the blood of his enemies in numerous ways. His real name was Vlad the Impailer, he was only 500 years ago and yet the vampires have become a part of our movie screens again and again. But, Vlad the Impailer actually roasted children, whom he fed to their mothers. And, he could cut off the women's breast and forced the husbands to eat them. AND, after that he had them all impailed......Bet, you don't think Edward Cullen is hot now do you! 

So, What's The Bottom Line?

I think mythical creatures come from something or somewhere, sometimes it can just pop into our heads. But, in actual facts to get something quite unique like Dracula or Moby Dick must of come from some evens. Which in reality, the bottom line is if something sounds sooo unique and sooo mysterious in the story surely one way or another they did exist and that's the bottom line. 

Want To See Where I Found The Idea For This Blog, Check Out This YouTube Video:
And, I understand some of you can't see videos, so here is the link to this video: 

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