Monday 13 October 2014

What's The Bottom Line special Murderous Monday's presents The Joker


The Joker (1912 - 2015)

The Joker has been played by the following people; Heath Ledger (The Dark Knight), Jack Nicholson (The Batman), Mark Hamill (Cartoon Joker), and Cesar Romero (Batman: The Movie) This isn't everybody there's loads that have shared there voice of the Joker but these four are the main ones I think of. 


If you're wondering why 1912, well not many people know that Fred Mace was actually the first EVER The Joker, it was in a silent film in 1912 called "The Joke on the Joker" and it's up to 2015 because the next announced The Joke is in a TV episode called "Magnus Rex" on a TV Show called "Gotham Crusader"...But, who is the Joker? They have been played by loads of different people, but who exactly is he? IMDB uses this quote "Appearing to be the most evil, deranged, and flat out psychotic killer of all comic book villains" No wonder, he is perfect for Murderous Mondays and we hope you enjoy the ride. 

First Impressions Of The Joker?

If we are going straight to the fact of origins, in a Detective Comics issue #168 which was published in February 1951, he wasn't actually first known as The Joker, but he was called The Red Hood, which he falls into a vat of chemicals while escaping from Batman. Then, he emerged with white skin, green hair and a bizarre grin.....Rings a bell? But, my first seeing of the Joker was the 1960s TV Show Batman. Where, Cesar Romero took the stage and played The Joker.  The happy chap on the left is Cesar Romero playing the Joker, it's very silly he had this very annoying laugh not a clinical laugh, you have to remember the 60s were crazy...I mean just look at the outfit! It was all comical, I just remember laughing a lot at the 60s TV Show and it was short and there was lots of "To Be Continued!" with that booming narrator. I feel Cesar Romero opened the doors to who is The Joker because from my memory The Batman TV Series doesn't really go into the villains of who or how they become like this....But, I know a certain film that answer that question.

Let's fast forward shall we to 1989 where a Tim Burton film took place called Batman, and who played the most deranged character....Jack Nicholson who came from the origins story of falling into a pool of chemicals and becoming this loonatic killer. I think we get more serious with The Joker here, I will always have the image of him, in an art gallery listening to Partyman whilst "revamping" this priceless art works. I do feel that Jack Nicholson because he was in the Shining brought that laughter to a new level I believe because you could tell behind that laughter was anger and at the same time insanity. But, I thought Jack Nicholson's portrail of the Joker was more up to date back then, because it looks like a clown, but not too much make up, you could see the facial expressions a lot more, and I think when looking back you could see that intelligence. With the 60s version, there wasn't much intelligence in what he was doing more "HAHAHA" rob a bank, get caught, go to prison. That was basically it, this Joker still used the laughing or knock out gases and was just insane, but it brought the character up to scraps that The Joker should be. But, The Joker has been in animation as well and this is where a very well known actor who let's say uses the force to tap into The Joker, that's right Mark Hamill.

 No don't worry your computer screens has not broke! This is Mark Hamill's portrail as The Joker! He was in the Batman: Arkham City video games and he is also the iconic Joker whom kids would know in my generation. He was in Batman: The Animated Series, Batman: The Brave and The Bold, and my favourite Joker film for animation Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker. Now, people don't believe that Luke Skywalker from Star Wars is also the Joker. So, I found a YouTube Video of Mark Hamill doing the Joker laugh.

But, what does Mark Hamill do for us as the Joker? I think he gives The Joker because am going to be honest before Heath Ledger, I think animation helps The Joker for his quickness, his intelligence, his pscyho mind as well. Remember, before the other Jokers I think Mark Hamill brings that sense of loon-asee and yet stable mind of the Joker. In the others, they are comical, Jack Nicholson's portrait of the Joker could be seen as just a murderous loon-atic. But, this Joker shows us a more intelligent, chess gaming, Harley Quinn as well. People forget, that Harley Quinn being The Joker's sidekick and the fact that the Joker, can get into you're heads. Which, if you haven't seen Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker, it's actually quite a deranged, crazier version of the Joker. 

And, finally.....I think it's time for Heath Ledger's The Joker to come out here. 

He does leave an impression doesn't he? I actually before I get into his Joker, this scene where he blows up the hospital, it was actually improvised. It was perfect. It just shows you that Heath Ledger didn't want to cut at this point, he kept pressing the button, hitting it making the explosion happen. And, for me as a DC Heroes fan, waiting and watching. That is the Joker, from the animated series, to the video games the Joker for time isn't that great, but the timing is just comical. I think that's one thing of many Heath Ledger brings, the timing of that comedy, but also that timing of his lets be honest, deranged mind. But, we never see him go completely nuts. I actually think, this Joker makes us believe he is insane, but behind the layers of this clown, we actually see some intelligence, not some, huge intelligence we just couldn't believe. I think people forget how funny this Joker can be in serious situations. For example, the mobster meeting he just says "It's simple. We, uh, kill the Batman." I mean, just think about that! He says it so easily it runs of the tongue and at this point everyone is scared of the Batman, it's as if the Joker has a death wish or something! 

Let's just look at some quotes that The Joker is in, in Dark Knight.

The Joker: I just did what I do best. I took your little plan and I turned it on itself. Look what I did to this city with a few drums of gas and a couple of bullets. Hmmm? You know... You know what I've noticed? Nobody panics when things go "according to plan." Even if the plan is horrifying! If, tomorrow, I tell the press that, like, a gang banger will get shot, or a truckload of soldiers will be blown up, nobody panics, because it's all "part of the plan". But when I say that one little old mayor will die, well then everyone loses their minds!
[Joker hands Two-Face a gun and points it at himself]
The Joker: Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos. I'm an agent of chaos. Oh, and you know the thing about chaos? It's fair!
[still holding the gun, Two-Face pauses and takes out his coin]
Two-Face: [showing Joker the good side] You live.
The Joker: Mm-hmm.
Two-Face: [showing the scarred side] You die.
The Joker: Mmm, now we're talking.

I's actually quite strange. The Joker here is quite manipulative, quite controlling. He talks about chaos, but who actually has control of that choas! I actually think....The Joker doesn't even know what's he doing until 4 moves ahead....Which is crazy. I think he knows exactly what moves are in place, and whats happening at every opportunity. But, what's most interesting is that he has fun with every moment. He laughs, he grins, he plays! That's I think the Joker he likes playing and toying with people especially the Batman.

The Joker: [to Det. Stephens] Do you want to know why I use a knife? Guns are too quick. You can't savor all the... little emotions. In... you see, in their last moments, people show you who they really are. So in a way, I know your friends better than you ever did. Would you like to know which of them were cowards?

I think this quote actually speaks volumes of how dark the Joker can actually be, it shows some of his past. Because, we know about the scars on his face, his dad was an alcoholic and let's put a smile on that face. He was just, thinking of things that we don't dare to imagine. I think Hell for him, is something pleasant whilst for others it's a nightmare. I think we only sadly saw glimpses of what truly could be an on going Joker. But, sadly Heath Ledger passed away but leaving us that iconic line "WHY SO SERIOUS!"


What Do We Know About The Joker?

He's a funny kind of guy. I think we can't look at all the Jokers and know what's about them. So, looking at the more well known Heath Ledger's The Joker and then looking back on Mark Hamill's and the 60s Batman and Jack Nicholson. They all have in common one thing, they all know the differences from right and wrong. Which if you think about it, they do. They just want to have fun with being bad, they want to be remembered, they want to turn what we think of a normal routine or as Heath Ledger put it "a plan" and just mess it up, because I think The Joker just loves ruining people's plans because in the long run, for Gotham City, Batman, Robin, Batgirl, you name it it's a huge problem to fix. Plus, with the numerous ounces of chaos and destruction it's actually leaving you're mark of who is The Joker. But, in Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker, we can see a different side to the Joker and the new Batman. Because, he makes a good point. Batman, never laughed at The Joker's jokes.....which maybe is one reason why The Joker vs Batman is so iconic and huge, it's two completely opposites, but we know if Batman turns, I think he could be a good side kick for the Joker. Because, The Joker is an excellent manipulative, deranged, but intelligent person.

What Makes The Joker Such An Interesting Character?

Am mainly hoping Harley Quinn is in a Batman film, because thinking about it. The Joker can make the most logical, most sound minded Doctor into something he wants and that's Harley Quinn, that's how it happened. The Joker went into Arkham Asylum and the doctor who turns out to be Harley Quinn, he gets into her mind. But, I think if I have to pick three things that make the Joker interesting his, mystery, balance and out side the box thinking. For example, the mystery I think for The Joker is that we never know really the bottom line of the Joker and the fact that he can pull out anything from that coat of his. The balance being the whole when and where to hit, but at times knows when to go underground, when to plan, when to hit, when to kill, when to capture. He has this balance of knowing right or wrong, but then knows the correct time to hit, or he is just doing it whenever he feels like it baby! But, I think what makes us as viewers watching him is the whole out of the box thinking. His ideas are really unique, his thoughts, his dreams, his laugh it's all in a box that makes The Joker really stand out. And, the fact that when we observe the Joker we never get pass a layer, is he all what we see or is that just the first layer of true evil, that we call The Joker!

The Joker - New 52Which Actor Portrays The Joker Perfectly As Possible?

I think the closest to the character is between Mark Hamill's and Heath Ledger. I think they both have a great balance of psychotic and deranged fantasies, and they both have that sense of chaotic mind sets of ruining Gotham city. But, I would have to say Heath Ledger only because the look of the Joker is more up to date, it's what we would want to see in today's society of how the Joker would look. The Mark Hamill's isn't as scary to look at and thinking the Dark Knight came out in 2008, and people were surprised at how much they changed the Joker's look. The make up team, completely revamped how the Joker could look. Then, thinking about it the trilogy did the Scarecrow, Bane as well completely different even Catwoman's attire slightly different. So, when looking back we could discussion the appearance of the Joker goes to Heath Ledger and the fact of chaos goes to him as well. Yes, Mark Hamill's character for the Joker has those traits but I feel Mark Hamill's Joker has something Heath Ledger's doesn't......Stamina. No! Not in that sense! But, physically and mentally we see Mark Hamill's character going on and on and on and he is just generally more energetic. Whilst, Heath Ledger's Joker finds a more...different forms of approaches from a story time feel, to a threatening murderous rage! So, I would have to go with Heath Ledger overall for the best nearest approach to who can nail the performance of The Joker.

What Can I See Happening To The Joker?

When I saw this image....I was like, this could work! I mean, I won't say what happened in the end of the Joker but, think about it. What if, the Heath Ledger The Joker, was form another Joker. What if, there isn't an end to the Jokers? What if they will keep coming and coming, but that's insane and will never happen. I think The Joker, we will always see in video games and animated series, but since Heath Ledger's performance of the Joker was so brilliant I think people could be scared of playing the Joker on screen again....BUT, I can see in years and years to come when they do a Batman Beyond, I can see them revamping the Joker into the sci-fi era which isn't much change but it's not as dark as Heath Ledger's character. I feel, maybe Harley Quinn could come in, at some point. I know the next Batman film has Ben Affleck as Batman, which am going to give him a shot. It's suppose to show a more older Batman, which makes sense. But, I feel we will only see The Joker in video games and animated series now for a good 20 years at least.

My Ranking for the Villain?

Hahahaha, so Batsy, what do you think? I have to say that this villain is either all you see is what you get. Or, there's that many layers you could be the next super villain. So, that in mind this villain if it's in you're newest video game like Batman Arkham, Marvel vs DC Heroes Mortal Komat, Lego Movies, he has the presence of a great and powerful Joker, with the hypnotic sense to watch and see what he does next. That, being said I have to rank this villain a solid 10 out of 10. 

So, What's The Bottom Line?

I feel you wouldn't want the Joker at you're birthday party, but on you're DVD, Netflix, Sky Box am sure you might be save from his murderous mind. But, that laugh will always stay with you forever and that's the bottom line of this great villain. So long folks!

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