Friday 5 December 2014

What's The Bottom Line with Toy Story That Time Forgot?

Toy Story That Time Forgot (2014)

Starring Tom Hanks (Forest Gump and The Green Mile), Tim Allen (Home Improvement and Toy Story), Wallace Shawn (Despicable Me 2 and Bob's Burgers) and Kristen Schaal (The Princess Bride and Toy Story)

First Impressions Before Seeing The Film?

I love the Toy Story and Pixar franchise. They come out with different kinds of stories we see our childhood heroes and villains in. But, I didn't know what to expect really, I had so many different theories as to where would the toys meet these dinosaurs so it was interesting to see. I know visually it will be fantastic because it's Pixar. I knew some of the cast members in the short film, mainly Woody and Buzz Lightyear because it's a Toy Story Short. I don't know what to expect only that it's around Christmas the film is set. So, let's just get right down to it.  

After I Watched The Film?

I like the fact that it's not all about Woody and Buzz Lightyear....That's one thing I was expecting. I did think, they did a brilliant job keeping up to date with what kids are like in today's society with huge computer games. However, my one flaw and it's nothing major because it's only a short I could see this becoming a huge hit. But, the villain. It was lacking something, it was short, the moment you see what I mean, you're like "Yeah, he's the villain". But, I feel the villain didn't really have that much going on. But, I love the fact that this film is showing you that you're toys don't have to be what they are. For example, we know from past films that Dolly is a witch, but is an ordinary doll. So, I love the fact that this short film experimented and used the theory of play. But, at what cost? What happens if you're like Buzz Lightyear and think you're not a toy? I't just just an interesting concept film with  some hilarious jokes used by Rex, Trixie and Woody. But, besides that the comedy element is lacking, but I would agree with something that leads to my next question.

Was It Interesting Seeing Trixie Being The Main Character Than Woody and Buzz? 

You know what, I love the fact that Pixar are thinking that we need to see other toys than Woody and Buzz. I love that fact, we know there stories, we know there backgrounds, let's look at another toy....Trixie, Bonnie's toy. It's mainly about her in this short film, we know her as this bubbly, happy, curious and questionable character that loves to explore. Even thou, we didn't see our childhood heroes, I like the fact that we see Trixie's intelligence as well, and the fact see knows how to talk to dinosaurs....which is interesting in itself because they were like tribes and warrior talk. But, Trixie I wanted to see more of her and her relationship with Reptillus Maximus who if you haven't seen it will understand. I feel we still need to know Bonnie's toys, and the fact that it's Christmas.....we didn't see Bonnie with any new toys? That's what I found interesting. But, Trixie is truly one to see in this film. 

My Rankings

So, it was rated overall with 7.7 on IMDB page...and I can see why. Mainly because people maybe wanted Buzz and Woody, more action packed scenes and more comedy. BUT, even thou it's a 22 minutes they had a couple of years making this film. So, a lot of effort, research and even thinking what the characters would do had to be considered. But, even thou the villain was pretty lame, I mean he wasn't at all as big like Emperor Zurg, Lotso the Bear, Al, and the Prospector. I think this is one of the worst villains made in the Toy Story franchise, but it's interesting.....I think looking at it, you would say that not all villains have a dark past, but the villain didn't understand play, and now does. So, I rate this a fair 8 out of 10 because it was enjoyable for a Toy Story fan and I know kids and adult would love it too. 

So, What's The Bottom Line?

I think as long as you keep an open mind that this isn't a Buzz and Woody film, it's a Trixie film, you'll truly enjoy and take some form of happiness seeing what Piixar has created considering this is a new turn to see what Pixar are willing to do, and that's the bottom line. 

Here is the trailer:

Here is the IMDB page

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