Monday 8 December 2014

What's The Bottom Line with The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1 (2014)

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1 (2014)

Starring Jennifer Lawrence (X-Men Days of Future Past (2014) and Silver Linings Playbook (2012)), Josh Hutcherson (Bridge to Terabithia (2007) and Epic (2013)), Liam Hemsworth (The Expendables 2 (2012) and Paranoia (2013)), Woody Harrelson (No Country for Old Men (2007) and Zombieland (2009)), Donald Sutherland (The Italian Job (2003) and MASH (1970)), Julianne Moore (Magnolia (1999) and The Big Lebowski (1998)) and Philip Seymour Hoffman (Capote (2005) and Doubt (2008))

First Impressions Before Seeing The Film?

I wanted to mention most of the actors that appear in the film before I say anything, and I would like to say rest in peace to Philip Seymour Hoffman which in the film, they say in memory of Philip Seymour Hoffman. The actors above play a fair amount of equal timing in the whole film, but my first impressions were curious. I was wondering what kind of Katniss Everdeen will we see, we see her being rescued and that's how the last film ended. We don't know what happened to Peeta? And, what happened to the other districts. So, am more curious as to what has happened since Katniss exposed the Capitol.

After I Watched The Film?

I utterly love Katniss Everdeen in this film, Katniss we see all kinds of emotions from her....from vulnerability, loneliness, isolation and confusion to the more fire of what we want to see as the Mockingjay. Now, if you think it's all action in this's not.... it's more political and more talking. There is talk of the Part II to have an R rating because of how much blood shed I expect to see. I didn't expect Peeta Mellark because you know from the trailers, he is in it. But, if you haven't read the books you don't really know who or what kind of character he is playing here. But, one of the things I REALLY loved about this film was a song that Jennifer Lawrence sings called "The Hanging Tree". It sounded really....inspiring and at the same time comforting to the rebels. I enjoyed Donald Sutherland as President Snow, I wanted to see more of him I felt. But, seeing Julianne Moore as President Alma Coin was remarkable because the last film, I saw her in was Carrie so having that completely opposites were nice to see. It's really an eye opener this film, because it shows us as what lengths will the government do to bring back there perfect reality, the balance of the Capitol. 

Is This A Good Lead Up To Part 2?

I feel how the film ended, there's still some uncertainty how the war will end. I feel, this is my own idea of how Part 2 will end because I haven't read the books and I don't want too. I feel that President Snow will be killed but maybe Katniss will kidnap one of his grand-daughters, and that's what I want to see. I want to see how far President Snow will go, because we haven't seen him get his hands dirty, haven't seen what lengths he will physically go. I want to see Katniss completely different. I felt, from Part 1 we had an unknown Katniss because she didn't have her Peeta. We saw the vulnerable, the sadness and the darkness of Katniss and we know her having this fire spirit. So, that being said, maybe we want to see Katniss become more violent because in Part 1 she only fires one arrow in the entire film......Which is why, I feel there going to have most of the action in Part 2. Part 1, I feel has done all the political and risks of what will happen. Therefore, I feel Part 2 will be very more action filled. 

Facts About This Film

  1. Philip Seymour Hoffman, who plays Plutarch Heavensbee, tragically died with one week of filming left. Due to the fact that the majority of his scenes for the final two movies were already filmed, the role was not re-cast, but finished with script re-writes.
  2. Director Francis Lawrence made Jennifer Lawrence sing the lullaby "the hanging tree" that was also in the book, she stated that it was an awful experience. Jennifer Lawrence did her own singing for "The Hanging Tree" segment. Worldwide, the song went #1 on the iTunes Sales Chart.
  3. Julianne Moore stated that her two children, both fans of the novels, convinced her to sign on for the role of Alma Coin.
  4. In an attempt to prevent spoilers and keep secrecy, the working title of the project while filming was "Seashore".
  5. This is the first Hunger Games film not to be released in IMAX.
  6. The first movie poster in the series which doesn't feature Katniss aiming her arrow.
  7. This film introduces over 10 new characters.
  8. The phrase "Mockingjay" is said about 20 times.
  9. Katniss only fires one single arrow in the entire movie. She almost shoots an arrow in one scene, but doesn't.

My Rankings

It's rated at IMDB at 7.2, but I rate it a 8 out of 10. And here's why, yes there's not as much action that the trailers persuade us towards. HOWEVER, Hunger Games isn't just about explosions, firing arrows and action. It's more about the politics of the government, and the film explains who is the Mockingjay and what it means, and seeing the relationships of Katniss with others. Plus, it shows us how the government (The Capitol) is truly like when it's not about the Hunger Games. I liked the fact it was more political, and you see some true emotions from Jennifer Lawrence in this film which will make you feel, the action doesn't matter. It's about the people, standing up to the Capitol.

So, What's The Bottom Line?

If you want to see Jennifer Lawrence fire loads of arrows and kick won't see that. BUT, if you want to understand more about the Hunger Games outside the games and how the Capitol is outside the games. Then, watch this film. It's truly a fantastic film to watch if you want to understand how the Capitol works, and how Katniss will appear outside the games after being rescued and that's the bottom line.

Here is the trailer:

Here is the IMDB page:

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