Friday 12 December 2014

What's The Bottom Line with I. Frankenstein ?

I, Frankenstein (2014)

Starring Aaron Eckhart (The Dark Knight (2008) and Olympus Has Fallen (2013)), Bill Nighy (Love Actually (2003) and Hot Fuzz (2007)) and Miranda Otto (War of the Worlds (2005) and What Lies Beneath (2000)) 

First Impressions Before Seeing The Film?

I would of thought, that it would be boring. We all know the story of Frankenstein, I didn't do any research into the film and what it was about, and what kind of characters we would encounter. I generally thought, this would be a modern take of Frankenstein being born in today's society. Only because, it looked modern, the guy playing Frankenstein is younger than we expect, and I didn't see the trailer at all. So, I was assuming from past Frankenstein films. That's my general first impression so let's get to what I thought after.....

After I Watched The Film?

This is the best modern Frankenstein film I have ever seen in existence!!! First of, we have Bill Nighy playing the devlish villain, already am sold because I never see him fully take on that evil role how I would like it. Secondly, Aaron Eckhart who played Two-Face in Dark Knight which we all know what brilliant takes the stage to play Frankenstein or how the film says Adam. Which is kinda cool, because of the decent of God's first son because he was made from someone who thought he was bad. But, I was more happy to see the fact that they didn't do what Van Helsing did and had Van Helsing, Dracula, Werewolves, Mr. Hyde we had all these different characters. Whilst, I. Frankenstein just focuses on Frankenstein, Demons and Gargoyles. Nice and simple fantasy creatures in a fantastic action packed and drama film. I like the transformations as well from demon to human form, and gargoyle to human form it was slick and nicely done. Special effects wise you can tell it's in 2014 because of all the visual and camera angles that they did. Plus, we get to know some of the history of the Gargoyles which was nice too.

Could There Be A Sequel And Who Would Be A Great Villain? 

I really enjoyed Bill Nighy's portrait as a prince of the demons basically. However, I would love to see a sequel....But, what could we see?!?! Well, we know about the Gargoyles and the fact that God exist and is real here. We know about the demons, and I, Frankenstein is waiting for the next lot of details. So, it's open to a sequel of how the film ended. I like the fact that the enemies isn't your typical villain like Dracula. That's one reason I love this film, they went with something completely different that hasn't been done in a long time. So, that in mind the villain for the sequel has to be someone not predictable....Therefore, since the humans don't know about the war......Maybe, The Omen?!? The Devil Hounds?!?! Evil Sorcerer? Just not going to Dracula, or Vampires because it's been done. We don't fully know what evil there is in this universe. I know this is based on a comic book, but I think it would be interesting to see I, Frankenstein fall in love because that's the promise the father and Doctor who created Frankenstein so be nice to see Frankenstein be involved in romance whilst battling foes. But, I stay with the more The Omen enemy and hell hounds because that would be an interesting mix in the film because there was some darken themed of how the film was captured.

Facts About This Film

  1. This film acknowledges Frankenstein's Monster as "Adam" making it one of the very few screen adaptations to call him this name.
  2. In the graveyard, after Adam has been saved from the demons by the gargoyles, but is unconscious, the female gargoyle exclaims 'it's alive, it's alive', just as Frankenstein says in the original 1931 movie.
  3. The prayer the gargoyle queen offers up at the altar is part of a well-known Catholic prayer to St. Michael the archangel, the patron of the gargoyles.
  4. After Adam wipes off the blood from his forehead that Naberius put there, it comes back, and then changes position after another cut away.
  5. The order of the Gargoyles doesn't have Gargoyles amid its ranks. A Gargoyle is a decorative ornament used to spout water during downfall. A similar decorative ornament lacking this function is called a grotesque

My Rankings

It's sad to say that this film only got a 5.2 rating, and I can see why because people weren't open minded with Frankenstein. But, if you watch the film you'll understand why he isn't older, and the fact the director Stuart Beattle wanted to portrait the monster, the creator Frankenstein in a completely different way. Considering, the newest film before I, Frankenstein was Hotel Transylvania and Van Helsing keeping with that monstrous and ridiculously huge portrait of Frankenstein. So, that's why am giving this a 8 out of 10 rating because they thought Frankenstein was made from human part, therefore will look human size and it wasn't ridiculous it made sense.

So, What's The Bottom Line?

This film reminded me to Van Helsing, but I prefer this film to Van Helsing. if you enjoyed Van Helsing or Hellboy you would incredibly enjoy this film. Bottom Line? If you love you're fantasy, action and drama films this would be right up you're street and even if you're open minded in looking at the most iconic characters in a different light, and that's the bottom line. 

I, Frankenstein (2014) Poster

Here is the trailer:

Here is the IMDB page

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