Wednesday 10 December 2014

What's The Bottom Line special Warmth Wednesdays presents The Shawshank Redemption


The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

Starring Tim Robbins (War of the Worlds (2005) and Mystic River (2003)), Morgan Freeman (Se7en (1995) and Million Dollar Baby (2004)) and Bob Gunton (Argo (2012) and Ace Venture: When Nature Calls (1995))

First Impressions Before Seeing The Film?

I don't know why, but I was quite put off by the film. It took me till around 2003 to watch the film. It was on a film channel I think Film Four. But, I never heard of it and considering I was a child back then and to be honest it's not suitable for a child. Teenagers yes, but not for children under 10, I personally think they will get bored by the film. But, I didn't know any of the actors at all it was only later on, I got addicted to Morgan Freeman and Tim Robins. That's why, I picked Million Dollar Baby, because I watched this at Christmas time and then I watched Million Dollar Baby the year later. But, I can't really give an impression, I know it's a novel written by Stephen King, but back then, I didn't do any research into films. I whack it on, sit on the couch and watch the film that's it. So, lets go into what I think of the film. 

After I Watched The Film?

I usually say this at the end of the blog, but on IMDB this has a 9.3 rating, it's been rated the number 1. best film to watch of all time. But, why? Well, personally I think it's because it's so pure, the drama is nicely balanced, comedy elements make us laugh, smile, and then the serious moments makes us sad and cry. But, we can feel a mixture of crying and smiling at the end. It's about a man called Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins) and comes friends with a man called Red (Morgan Freeman). But, it's much more than that, we have Bob Gunton who I've seen in many films, and this is my all time favourite. He plays this character, that believes in the almighty lord, but is everyone else. I think that's one of the things, that makes us so interested in this film. Bob Gunton character The Warden is corrupt, therefore the jail is corrupt. And, as we watch the film, yes some or all of the prisoners are there for murder....They, are actually the innocent in the prison as we see most of the officers and wardens completely corrupt with money, violence and power. We can see that in this film, and the fact that you can't protect yourself in Shawshank prison it's interesting to see the situations you could encounter. But, another scene that I personally think gets everyone to tears......When James Whitmore playing Brooks Hatlen finally gets released from prison. I think....that one scene I won't say what, I already spoiled that one of the inmates gets let go. But, that one moment of finally being freed and the fact he's an old man, the prison is his home and the free world is his prison. It's quite powerful and uncomfortable situation that we actually see in Brooks because it could happen. I do have to say that Tim Robbins is remarkable in this film, am really saddened that he isn't in many films in today's films. Last film I saw him in was The Green Lantern, but Morgan Freeman! He is still going strong, he's been in Bruce Almighty, Lucy, Transcendence and going onto future films like Now You See Me 2. I personally think, Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins this will be the best performances we will ever see. And, even Morgan Freeman says this is his favourite works of all time. But, why? In the shortest way to explain it, it shows the humanity in us all and what we could or will become if we go into prison.....And, seeing how we adapt, survival of the fittest and above all finding allies. That's what I think we enjoy this film, because of that human element that we could all relate too.

Should Hollywood Remake Shawshank Redemption?

Now, when it comes to remakes I even get really annoyed or really excited. For example, Nightmare on Elm Street was remade and for me, it was for the worse because of the lack of fear and comedy element that Freddy Krueger had. Planet of the Apes however, I prefer the Dawn and the Rise of the Planet of the Apes from Tim Burtons Planet of the Apes. If Hollywood was thinking what to remake, because we are getting fed up of them not having an original idea. If they remade Shawshank Redemption it would be an awful move. And, here's why! I just can't understand, why any director, actor or even make up artist would like to do a remake of the film. We have seen the best of the best, Shawshank Redemption (1994) is the top of it's game, you can't remake it to be better! It's impossible! You'll ruin it for everyone, for Stephen King, for the actors in 1994, but more importantly you would ruin the lovers of Shawshank Redemption because everyone has this idea of what is Shawshank Redemption. My only idea, if they were going to do a remake.....Do Red's story before he meets Andy Dufresne, so we know more of his story and his wife/daughter. OR, even do the prison when Red and Andy leave the prison, how has the prison changed? Do the inmates go and try and find Red and Andy? That is the only way possible, if they were going ot do some form of remake that's the only way they could do it. 

Facts About This Film

  1. Andy and Red's opening chat in the prison yard - in which Red is pitching a baseball - took 9 hours to shoot. Morgan Freeman pitched that baseball for the entire 9 hours without a word of complaint. Next day, he turned up for work in an arm sling.
  2. Stephen King sold the film rights for his novella, Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption, for $5,000. He never cashed the check. Years after Shawshank came out, the author got the check framed and mailed it back to the director Frank Darabont with a note inscribed: "In case you ever need bail money. Love, Steve."
  3. Clint Eastwood, Harrison Ford, Paul Newman and Robert Redford were all considered for the part of Red. In the original novella, Red is a middle-aged Irishman with graying red hair. However, Frank Darabont always had Morgan Freeman in mind for the role because of his authoritative presence, demeanour and deep voice. Let's be honest....we can't picture any of these really pulling off what Morgan Freeman pulled off. 
  4. Tom Hanks, Kevin Costner, Tom Cruise, Nicolas Cage, Johnny Depp and Charlie Sheen were all considered for the part of Andy Dufresne. Hanks turned it down because he was committed to Forrest Gump (1994). Costner liked the script a lot but was then embroiled in the filming of Waterworld (1995).But, Kevin Costner agrees that turning down the role of Andy Dufresne later on regrets not taking on the role.
  5. Tim Robbins actually had the idea of his character, Andy Dufresne, to turn up the volume of the record player in the scene where he plays the Opera music over the PA microphone.
  6. The character Andy Dufresne had a cameo appearance in 'Apt Pupil', another Stephen King novelette. Andy handled the investments for Dussander, the Nazi in hiding
  7. The Italian title for the movie is "Le ali della libertà", which means "The Wings of Freedom". And, the Spanish title for the movie is "Cadena Perpetua", which means "Life Imprisonment".
  8. Classic Goof! When Tommy goes out into the yard to talk to Warden Norton, Warden Norton offers him a cigarette. The pack of Marlboros that he offers him has Marlboro Miles on them, which weren't around until the 1990s and another is beer bottles didn't have screw tops in 1949.
  9. Both Clancy Brown (Captain Hadley) and Mark Rolston (Boggs Diamond) have voiced the character of Lex Luthor in various "DC Animated Universe" projects.
  10. The green grass outside the Shawshank prison walls represent hope.

My Rankings

You know the ratings from before on the IMDB page, but who can argue with it? It's incredible and breath taking and I will be giving this a nice round, solid, two digit rating of 10 out of 10. It's a flawless film with a flawless performance. It's inspiring to follow who you really are even in the unlikely of circumstances and I would recommend this film to anyone!

So, What's The Bottom Line?

In the words of Andy Dufrense " Get busy living, or get busy dying." And, that's if you haven't seen one of the most remarkable, incredible and utterly beautiful works of film every made, and that's the bottom line. If you haven't watch this it! You won't be disappointed. 

Here is the trailer:

Here is the IMDB page:

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