Thursday 11 December 2014

What's The Bottom Line special Throwback Thursday presents The Blues Brothers


The Blues Brothers (1980)

Starring John Belushi (Saturday Night Live (1975) and Animal House (1978)), Dan Aykroyd (Ghostbusters (1984) and Trading Places (1983)), and Cab Calloway (The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008) and The Mask (1994))

First Impressions Before Seeing The Film?

I didn't really know what to expect, I think I watched this around 10 year ago, it was at the time I was at high school. And, I remember it being a musical and I watched it with my Grandma, I knew nothing about this film. I was just mainly curious what the film was about, I didn't care who was in it. But, when I looked at the cover I recognized Dan Aykroyd because I saw him in Dragnet and Ghostbusters at a similar time. Considering it's called "Blues Brothers" I had some indication that the musical theme would be blues or jazz. The attire of the front is glasses and suit I was thinking more blues. But, I was more surprised that who was in the film. So, let's go to the after the film impressions shall we! 

After I Watched The Film?

So, as you can see these two guys are on a mission from God! And, that's one of the most comical sayings in the whole film. It's something you think, there crazy, but this is an utterly comical and ridiculous film! These guys get so much trouble you can't keep up who wants them! From the police to the army, to the cowboys to the Nazi's it's just completely bizzare. But, the stars in this film is incredible! We have Ray Charles whom sung Hit The Road Jack and I Got A Woman but here he sings Shake A Tail Feather. Then, we have Aretha Franklin who's sung I Say a Little Prayer to Think, and that's ironically in this film, her song Think. But, the stars of the film varies from the singers to the actors to the musicians. Actors wise we have John Candy from Cool Runnings and Uncle Buck, Frank Oz from Star Wars films and The Muppets, Charles Napier from Rambo: First Blood Part II and Silence of the Lambs and finally Henry Gibson from Wedding Crashers and The 'Burbs. But, what is Blues Brothers? In a nutshell, they have to raise money for a church and doing this epic concert for the public. The music is sensationally, the costumes and characters fit the time period. But, more importantly the drama and more importantly the comedy is remarkable and unexpected.  We have songs like Jailhouse Rock, Minnie The Moocher, Rawhide and Everybody Needs Somebody To Love. And, in all seriousness you don't think you're watching a musical because it has lots of drama, action and comedy you simply forget it I personally felt.

Would A Remake Be Better Than The Original?

Personally, it won't work in today's society. It's been done and rested now. However, let's think theory wise thou. They did do a sequel but had John Goodman instead of John Belushi. But, I think if they did do a remake they could get Dan Aykroyd and John Goodman....However, to make it fit with the times.... I would say they meet stars and make a concert for a retirement place. Because, there getting on now! And, amybe they didn't plan there retirement wisely. So, they ask old and new singers to come together to sort them with one final concert. But, off course along the way they get into some trouble. It could be a clash of Rat Race madness with the original Blues Brothers. Would like to see some of the old cast like Carrie Fisher because we never really seen much of her.....Just her trying to kill! The enemies? Well, it could be the huge music companies that want all the money from the concert, a band rival from the past that they dealt with. Could see them singing more modern and blues a more fusion style. So, maybe instead of a concert maybe a competition? Could be really remarkable I think. But, there's my theory if they ever do a remake or another sequel to the film.

Facts About This Film

  1. During filming one of the night scenes, John Belushi disappeared and could not be located. Dan Aykroyd looked around and saw a single house with its lights on. He went to the house and was prepared to identify himself, the movie and that they were looking for John Belushi. But before he could, the homeowner looked at him, smiled and said, "You're here for John Belushi, aren't you?" The homeowner then told them Belushi had entered their house, asked if he could have a glass of milk and a sandwich and then crashed on their couch. Situations like this prompted Aykroyd to affectionately dub Belushi "America's Guest".
  2. Carrie Fisher became engaged to co-star Dan Aykroyd during this shoot shortly after he saved her from choking by applying the Heimlich maneuver.
  3. For the 30th anniversary of the movie, The Vatican newspaper 'L'Osservatore Romano' called the film "a Catholic classic", recommending it as good viewing for Catholics.
  4. Big screen debut of Ray Charles.
  5. Paul Reubens (from Pee-Wee's Big Adventure and Matilda) plays the waiter serving Jake and Elwood when they go to find Mr. Fabulous.
  6. When Jake Blues is being processed for release from prison, the guards tell the clerk that Blues is from the "Maximum Wing, Block Nine", a reference to a song recorded by the Blues Brothers called "Riot in Cell Block #9".
  7. Frank Oz has a bit part as the corrections officer who returns Jake's belongings in the opening scene.
  8. John Belushi was nicknamed 'The Black Hole' onset, as he went through hundreds of pairs of sunglasses during production. He would do a scene and then lose the pair before filming the next one.
  9. Whilst in the phone booth Elwood asks Jake "Who ya gonna call?" Dan Aykroyd would later write and star in Ghostbusters (1984).
  10. In the new DVD version of the film, there are several added scenes. Elwood appears in one (sans sunglasses!) to tell his boss that he needs to quit because he wishes to become a priest.

My Rankings

It still has a high rating on IMDB at a solid 8! And, I just think it's a marvellous film, fantastic music, actors are funny and so funny when they try to be serious. I would give this a 10 out of 10 because it's so brilliant. It's nicely written, the madness starts low and finishes on a high, it's just one of those films that has bits of everything in that you cannot enjoy this film. 

So, What's The Bottom Line?

Bottom line? Everybody Needs Somebody To Love and if you haven't seen the Blues Brothers yet, I know you will enjoy every moment of there humour, actions and situations they get in. And, that's the bottom line right there.

Here is the trailer:

Here is the IMDB page:

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